When the United States of America launched its “War on Terror” the world was divided – some feeling it was justified given the September 11 terror attacks on the US soil. Others were apprehensive and felt the chill of fear that the very force combatting terror will end up being the very terror itself.
It has been eight years since the War on Terror was launched and the visible casualties were Afghanistan and Iraq, both invaded by the US and its allies.
These invasions, especially on Iraq were justified by the US and its allies on false premise.
The leaders of the US and Britain lied to their people when they wanted to rally support from their people, claiming that Iraq was in possession of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) which could be launched and caused devastation to their countries within 45 minutes.
Within a couple of months after the invasion of Iraq, the lies began unravelling and it was proven that there were never any WMDs and Iraq was targetted because it was a reservoir of oil.
While Iraq was devastated and Iraqis dead and dying, the perpetrators continued unabashedly to annihilate the sovereign nation and its people, torturing prisoners with methods unimagined even by the evil mind.
It is against this backdrop the Perdana Global Peace Organisation (PGPO) and Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War (KLFCW) is holding the War Criminal Conference and Exhibition from the 28th of October to the 31st of October, 2009 at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC).
On the 28th and 29th, the PGPO will be holding a conference which will see renowned speakers with Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad delivering the keynote address on the first day.
Other speakers will include fiery British MP George Galloway, the indomitable former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, former United Nations assistant secretary-generals Hans Von Sponeck and Dennis Halliday and anti-war economist Prof. Michel Chossudovsky.
On the 30th and 31st the War Crimes Commission and Tribunal will be convened to hear testimonials from victims of torture following the invasion of Iraq.
Throughout the four days, an exhibition on the carnage of war and torture committed by the forces which invaded Iraq.
It is hoped that the conference and exhibition will provide greater insights to the audience the hypocrisy of the perpetrators of the war who hide behind the cloak of justice and democracy to camouflage their real intentions.
Those interested can view the profiles of the speakers and other interesting information pertaining to the event from these websites:
http://www.perdana4peace.org/ or http://www.criminalisewar.org/
call Ram at 012 227 0159 or Juana at 0125309693.
Perdana Global Peace Organisation (PGPO)
22 October 2009
1 comment:
three years ago, at this very conference, was the first time i met you and bigdog! :) wow, dah 3 years of friendship nih!
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