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It is always others' faults |
... embassy official Tomoko Nagai said that while Japan last year lifted a requirement that Malaysians obtain visas to enter the country, Anwar is still required to have one due to his past criminal record.More on it in The Malay Mail Online here.
She said Anwar did not apply for a visa, as he had for previous visits.
“Japan could not consider a special arrangement for Anwar since we did not receive any prior application for a visa,” she said.
Anwar could not immediately be reached for comment.
Anwar made a statement. With the benefit of hindsight (term used merely coincidental), he spin it to blame the Japanese. Never his fault.
The Malay Mail Online reported:
Since the new ruling is already in place in June last year, it is unbelievable for the Japanese Embassy to not know or was still confused with the new ruling for ex-convict like Anwar.
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said his staff had made the relevant enquiries about his entry requirements to Japan and that they were not told he needed a special visa. — Picture by Choo Choy May
Japan did not inform me of ‘special permission’, says Anwar
By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
January 21, 2014
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 21 — Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said today he was not informed of the need for “special permission” to visit Japan, after its embassy said this was why the opposition leaders was prevented from entering the country last week.
Anwar added that his staff was also not informed of this requirement when they contacted the embassy here to find out whether he needed to apply for a travel visa, just as they did for his previous visits to Japan.
“Our office inquired about what was needed in order for me to travel to Japan. I was only told I need not apply for a visa, nothing else,” Anwar told The Malay Mail Online in a telephone interview today.
“Previously I only applied for visas, and I had no problems at all. I was there last year,” he added, saying he was “shocked” when he was denied entry to the country upon landing at Narita international airport.
Read further in Malay Mail Online here.
The excuse from Anwar must have came late after all information are already in thus it enabled him to craft a good excuse and spin.
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Shamsul Iskandar calling friends to attend and back-up his 12 people boycott Japan rally |
Otherwise, AMK Youth Leader, Shamsul Iskandar would have mentioned it in his memorandum submitted to the Japanese Embassy earlier yesterday during the rally to boycott Japanese good.
His memorandum merely mentioned of the human rights to travel between state as stated in article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Same line as Karpal Singh and Latheefa Koya.
Read in FMT here.
It is hilarious to see Sam calling for the boycott of Japanese product.
In our previous posting here, we mentioned of Latheefa Koya and Karpal Singh making a fool of themselves for the incident being kid around as Anwar mistakenly filling in "meliwat" instead of "melawat" in the entry form for purpose of entry.
Lim Kit Siang also made a fool of himself to call on Japan to make an apology for the snub on Anwar. However he put the responsibility of Putrajaya to make such demand. [Read Malay Mail Online here.]
Still a cheap spin to past the buck to Putrajaya. Only the gullible and young buy-in to such shallow propaganda trick which could be made use further to blame on Putrajaya.
Still the biggest idiot must be DAP's Nga Kor Meng:
The fact to the matter, Anwar owes an apology to the Japanese as mentioned by Dato Hamzah Zainuddin and Dato Zulkifli Nordin. [Read Utusan Malaysia here]
That Anwar will never do especially after he has spin it to blame the Japanese.
He does not have power in his hands and yet he can never be truthful, honest and righteous. Imagine when he is PM, will he bother to listen? Will he be someone responsible who owns up to his words and commitment?
Commitment is another difficult area for Anwar to walk the talk.
For those that was around and still remember his days as Minister, they know he can talk but when it comes to working, he is still a bigger kangkung who plants he roots by any longkang and nside any kangkang .
At least, Dato Najib still listen. He only forgets and need to be reminded and threatened, at times loudly.
Update: 10:30 PM
In the latest development, Anwar confirmed he is neither blaming Putrajaya nor Wisma Putra. So who is he blaming? Surely not himself.
Hear his PC below:
To unspin Anwar, he is not a political detainee but convicted for abuse of power and sodomy.
If he did not accused Putrajaya or Wisma Putera, who does he meant as "hidden hands"? His only mortal enemy is the government, the Barisan Nasional government. Neither the Japanese nor the western power.
Anwar was reported by The Malay Mail to have asked his staff to clarify on the visa requirement. It is him admitting that he knows about the procedure before. So why raise about human rights and claim of being accepted as a political detainee in other countries?
The embassy have returned back to his office to know when did his staff and whom did they contacted as to enquire about the new rule. Anwar's replied to say he is not pursuing the matter any further. Does he?
Knowing the Japanese as being efficient and able to determine whether his office staff actually did enquired with embassy, Anwar is avoiding the embarassment of being caught lying.
Always the liar.
Off tangent sikit ye. But can you ask your friend kat Maybank tu, that Datuk Farid Alias why is he backing up a midget Cina DAP to head IB?
After this you shall also see IB tu jadi sarang Cina DAP. Not like it is not now. Nak I bagi contoh sikit?
1. Head, Debt Markets - Michael Oh-Lau
2. Head, Debt Capital Markets - Wong Kok Kuan
3. Head, Syndication - Thomas Ow
4. Co- Head CF - Jiann Liang
5. Head, Client Coverage - rumored to be Caroline Teoh (pompuan ni memang racist tak suka Melayu, tak suka India. Tengok je team dia je tahu-tahu la)
EXCO mimpi ke?
Lepas tu our dear PM, jerit sini sana nak mermartabatkan Melayu la. My foot la.
Jangan cakap tak serupa bikin.
Dah lah Bank yang adik dia control tu dah memang betul Chinese International Merchant Bank. Sekarang MAybank IB pun ikut sama.
Terima kasih kerajaan BN.
Melayu Fed-Up
DAPpigs Nga tu dah fitnah Ah Gib Gor dan UMNO dalam twitter dia. Mana pi lawyer2 UMNO ni?? Tak nak saman ke?? Jangan lah bila dah saman nanti, tarik balik saman tu....kang bila cakap teloq kecut marah pulak....
Kesian Bang Nuar niat untuk berlakun filem porno bersama Maria Ozawa terbuntut....ha....ha
perpetual compulsive liar.. dulu kini dan sekarang.. itulah anwar ibrahim..
see how his tongue wag to spin his answer...
and many people like Nga Kor Ming, Lim Kit Siang will indeed swallow his bullshit hook line and sinker.
No question asked
Kenyataan Nga Kor Ming itu amat melampau. Sebagai seorang bekas diplomat yang kita sentiasa menjaga sensitivit perhubungan duahala kedua-dua negara, pihak Kerajaan harus mengambil tindakan keatas Nga Kor Ming itu yang menuduh Jepan berubah at dengan UMNO. Tentang kedudukan Anwar, adakah boleh seekor leopard menukar kulit nya yang mempunyai bintek-bintek hitam di badan nya?
I told you so, anwar actually being kangkonged by his own staff......just as najib.
tak mau check betul betul, just baca internet or hearsay from their friend
suka sangat ambik young advisor yg pro lgbt as their assistant...
this species are more interested in their after office activity than to focus their job.
but yg paling kangkong dalam hal ni adalah Ngah nga nga
Let us be honest that the worst of Anwar is still much better than the whole bunch of incompetent and useless UMNO leaders including Ajib, kerismuddin, Moohidin, MafiaZahid, Hassan, etc
Saha baru selesai mendengar rakaman video sidang media Anwar dengan AgendaDaily mengenai isu penolakan beliau untuk memasuki negeri Jepun. Ini betul-betul Pelik bin Heran, kenapa disebut "hidden hand" dan mengetuk pihak Kementerian Luar Negeri Malaysia.
Sepatutnya Anwar yang lebih bijak daripada Menteri Luar kita mahupun saya sebagai bekas Konsul Jenderal dalam pengenalian tugas demikian, berpendapat bahawa Anwar seharus nya membantah sekeras- keras nya pihak Kerajaan Jepun, secara peribadi dan bukan berniat untuk menyalurkan protes nya melalui Wisma Putra. Itu HAK Anwar sebagai seorang Ketua Pembangkang k atau sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia yang biasa.
Jika nak meminta bantuan pihak pentadbiran Parliament mengenai isu ini pun boleh. Pada hakikat nya pihak Kedutaan Jepun di Kuala Lumpur harus menentangani isu ini dengan bijak nya agar Anwar tidak menyalahkan Kerajaan mahupun UMNO!
Anon 11:22AM
You must be thinking from the heart of your bottom or tengah mabuk todi.
Ahh dua dua sekali kut.
Ada akal pendek
Ada mata buta
Ada tellinga pekak
Ada suara sum bang
Biasa lah Anwar, suka salahkan org lain kecuali diri sendiri. Padan dgn muka dia, negeri Jepun , satu kuasa dunia dlm ekonomi pun tak heran dgn Anwar yg hanya macai spt Azmin sahaja yg begitu sanjung dia sebagai pemimpin dunia! Only in your dreams 490Azmin!
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