As one opposition politician gaze across the Dewan Rakyat, he tries to see through which among the BN faces looks likely to make the first move and complete the whole exercise. He found no answer.
Would Sabahan politician want to return to the tumoultous 90s when the PBS-led Sabah State Government was at loggerhead with the BN-led Federal Government? Many wondered why Sabahan would give Anwar Ibrahim the chance, when he was instrumental in peddling the dough to get PBS Assemblymen to jump ship in 1994 but later not deliver on his promises?
The recent GE12 political tsunami and the recalcitrant Pak Lah holding fort of his premiership has destabalised UMNO. Anwar has taken opportunity to launch an attack on BN by talking BN MPs, particularly Sabahan, to abandon ship. For political expediancy, Anwar has abandon his Islamic background for a new image of multicultural, multipluralism and religous liberalism. Anwar's attempt could be nothing more than a self-perpetuating or self prophesizing psywar. After all, Ku Li coincidently met Anwar on a plane and was told he doesn't have the numbers.
Mukhriz is not taking chances and raised caution in Parliament yesterday to expose Anwar's neo-con/Israeli affiliations. Strangely or perhaps not so strange with Kalimullah at the helm that NST is playing down Mukhriz's speech with these comments:
If you a Parti Keadilan Rakyat MP, like N. Gobalakrishnan (PKR-Padang Serai), you will parrot Anwar’s name with the commitment of a cultist, singing praises of leadership, exultation and heroism. If you are a BN MP, like Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir (BN-Jerlun), you will disparage Anwar’s name with the conviction of a loyalist, barking condemnation of treachery, megalomania and deception.Was Mukhriz dispatching unsubstantiated attack on Anwar Ibrahim?
Lets read an excerpt from a more honest allegedly accused as CIA-linked Malaysiakini report dated May 13th entitled "Anwar attacked in Parliament over US" on Mukhriz's speech in Parliament below:
PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim and his plan to become prime minister came under attack in the Dewan Rakyat today.
In his debate on the royal address, Mukhriz Mahathir (BN-Jerlun) put the spotlight on Anwar’s involvement with organisations and individuals who figured prominently in the US military campaigns.
Citing an April 28, 2008 write-up in Time magazine by former US deputy secretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz, Mukhriz asked why one of the chief strategists of the US war against Iraq was describing Anwar in such glowing terms.
"Why should Anwar be in cahoots with this murderer of more than one million Iraqis?" he asked.
Wolfowitz, who also headed the World Bank, is the same person whose girlfriend Shaha Ali Reza Anwar had been appointed to the neo-conservative NGO Foundation of the Future, Mukhriz alleged.
Reza’s transfer had caused ripples when it was found that the transfer - arranged at Wolfowitz’s behest - would raise Reza’s salary by 36 percent, from US$133,000 (RM452,000) to US$193,590 (RM659,000).
Anwar has previously refuted the allegation that he was involved in Reza’s appointment to Foundation of the Future, saying she was assigned to the organisation before he became its chairperson.
Mukhriz, however, went on to question the nature and background of Foundation of the Future, claiming that among its sources of funds is the US State Department.
Who will succeed Anwar as PM?
Mukhriz also asked why the Jerusalem Post in Israel saw it fit to laud Anwar in a March 20 article entitled ‘Malaysia’s future prime minister’.
"Is this proof that Israel also approves Anwar becoming prime minister of Malaysia? If it does so approve, why?" he asked.
"The question is, why should Anwar - who is directly involved in an organisation of questionable background and is a close friend of the neo-conservative disciple who has killed Muslims in Iraq, Paul Wolfowitz - be allowed to take over the leadership of this beloved country?
"Certainly not! As long as there is life in this body, Umno will stand firm in defending the sovereignty of our country!" said Mukhriz.
Abdul Rahman Dahlan (BN-Kota Belud), meanwhile, took a swipe at Anwar’s ambitions of becoming prime minister by asking Pakatan Rakyat who would succeed Anwar if his plans materialised.
"Is it Permatang Pauh (MP Wan Azizah Wan Ismail) who has long been afraid to come out of the shadows of the party leader as she (who is also Anwar’s wife) is only a puppet and is warming the (parliamentary seat) for Anwar?
"Is it PKR deputy president (Dr Syed Hussin Ali) who will be elevated to senator and chosen to be prime minister? But DAP may get angry.
"Or will it be Gombak MP (Mohd Azmin Ali), who from then till now is seen as so fiercely loyal to his idol leader as to say ‘OK, OK, boss!’ to everything he (Anwar) says? Who copies Anwar’s style even to the extent of his style of dressing and the intonations of his speeches?
"Will it be Gopeng (MP Lee Boon Chye) or Subang (MP R Sivarasa)?" asked Abdul Rahman, who posed the same question about PKR vice-president Dr Jeffrey Kitingan as well as DAP leaders Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh.
Citing an aritcle in Malaysiakini, which Abdul Rahman described as an ‘opposition media’, he said PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang was also rejected as a candidate to be prime minister due to his image - including his turban and robe - that non-Muslims are uncomfortable with.
"So who will be prime minister after Anwar? I have been looking for the answer, but until now only one friend has given me a clue - that Anwar is actually building his own nepotistic empire by appointing the MP from Lembah Pantai (Anwar’s daughter Nurul Izzah) to be the seventh prime minister of Malaysia.
"Congratulations, ‘kerajaan anak-beranak' (government of family members)," said Abdul Rahman....
Yes, YB Abdul Rahman! There is also the "kerajaan tiga beranak" and lets not leave out the two father and son teams in parliament.
For the full speech, wait for yesterday's May 13th hansard (in here) to be out eventually. Parliament was on overtime yesterday and it ended late near midnight. A Malaysian reader from Saudi Arabia, emailed an article on Wolfowitz and is downloadable in savefile.com here.
Mukhriz should be proud of the loyalist labelling by NST. It just shows his patriotic concern for the threat to the nation's security and sovereignty. The question is why are many willing to take chances to this threat that is becoming more obvious by the day?
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