Selangor MB halts RM300m UiTM campus project
Work on new campus in Serendah stopped following refusal to make Khalid chairman of poverty eradication foundation
Yushaimi Yahaya
The Malay Mail
Wednesday, January 6th, 2010
PETALING JAYA: Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim is sitting in the centre of a storm that threatens to jeopardise poverty eradication programmes in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur.
It has been revealed to The Malay Mail that the State government, in what is believed to be an unprecedented move, has directed Yayasan Basmi Kemiskinan (Selangor Darul Ehsan), an NGO set up in 1990 to assist the poor in the two States, to install Khalid as its chairman.
We were also informed that the foundation, run by a board of trustees headed by chairman Datuk Zainal Abidin Sakom, had also been told to appoint Batu Tiga assemblyman Rodziah Ismail as a trustee.
The foundation, it has been revealed, has refused to bow to the pressure. But this comes with a price: its subsidiary, Permodalan YBK Sdn Bhd, cannot proceed with developing the multi-million ringgit UiTM campus project on its 448-acre plot in Serendah.
The State government, it is learnt, had used the inability of the foundation to settle quit rent arrears that run into millions of ringgit for portions of its 1,642 land bank as a "bargaining chip" to get Khalid and Rodziah appointed to Yayasan Basmi Kemiskinan's board of trustees.
The project is estimated to be over RM300 million and expected to create spin-off revenues worth over RM1 billion.

The move to get Khalid and Rodziah appointed is set to be scrutinised as the State government has no stake in the foundation, which is an NGO.
Ironically, the foundation was set up in accordance with the Trustees (Incorporation) Ordinance, 1952, which, among others, stipulates that "the foundation shall not support with its funds any political organisation or society or endeavour to impose on or procure to be observed by its members, or others any regulations, restriction which, if any objects of the foundation would make it a trade union within the meaning of the Trade Union Ordinance".
The foundation, set up by former Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib, has never had an MB as its chairman prior to this. The seat has been held by Zainal Abidin since its inception. Muhammad and Khalid could not be reached for comment at Press time.
The Foundation is a slush fund for UMNO. Even the head is a former UMNO Selangor Assemblyman!
Having a few Pakatan representative on board is good governance to ensure money is spent as its intended!
No more leakages please.
- Friends of Another Brick in the Wall
Pakatan Rakyat adalah pakatan yang sedang memperdayakan umat Melayu dan Islam. Pakatan Rakyat yang diterajui oleh Anwar Ibrahim agen CIA Amerika menggunakan sepenuhnya kebodohan pemimpin PAS dan pemimpin Melayu PKR untuk bersekongkol bersamanya untuk menjayakan agenda CIA Amerika untuk menguasai satu lagi negara Islam. Percayalah sekiranya Pakatan Rakyat berjaya menerajui kerajaan persekutuan segala hak istimewa orang Melayu dan orang Islam dan raja raja Melayu akan dihapuskan. Semasa itu sudah terlambat untuk menyesal bagi orang Melayu dan umat Islam kerana Pakatan Rakyat akan melakukan dasar dasar yang menyekat kemajuan oleh Melayu Islam sapertimana yang berlaku di Singapura. Bangsa bangsa asing juga akan diimport dengan banyaknya untuk mengimbangi jumlah penduduk Melayu Islam sapertimana yang berlaku di Israel, Singapura dan Thailand.
Pakatan Rakyat adalah pengkhianat bangsa Melayu dan umat Islam. Jangan jadi Pak Kadok . Menang sorak , kampung tergadai.
slush fund or not is not the issue.
the issue is whether an MB or PM/minister can insist that an independent NGO give the Chairman's post to him?
How about Sharizat getting the Sisters in Islam Chairmanship or Nazri being Chairman of ABIM and so on?
Apa taknya, kan Yayasan tu bakal terima banyak untung. Yang dia pulak sedang terima bala hutangnya dengan BIMB. Campur tolak, boleh jadi sifar tu. Kalau masa PRK Ijok pun dia sebagai calon PKR boleh ajak orang sokong BN, dah tentulah otaknya pun macam orang BN. Slush, jangan tak slush.
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