UMNO officebearers that lobbied for Khairy's appointment to Cabinet
The debate over Khairy's exclusion from the Cabinet carried on after the Prime Minister's Cabinet vacancy addition excercise recently.
Few Ketua Pemuda Negeri made appeal, expressed disappointment, and in the case of Ketua Pemuda Selangor openly threatened the Prime Minister. The fact that they are handpicked by Khairy did not lend them any credibility.
At his behest or not, sources told of Dato Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Dato Hishamuddin Hussein Onn, Dato Shahrizat Jalil and Dato Azeez Rahim met PM to convince the merit of Khairy's appointment.
As well said by Pemuda exco, Hishamuddin Yeop, the prerogative to select Cabinet members lies with the PM. It is his call not to ignore the loud voices from grassroot supporters and volunteers against the idea.
Without a functioning Pemuda, they are more valuable to the PM for support.
Failed leadership and Arrogance

Khairy failed miserably to undertake the single task assigned by the party President of uniting and rebuilding the Pemuda movement. He is adamant to keep his own people for the Ketua Pemuda Negeri and key positions in Pusat.
The pre-2008 political power play to sabotage and block events associated to selective officebearers and individuals creeped back into the ground. Words are verbal instructions came from Pemuda Pusat
Pemuda UMNO seriously do not appeal to the youth voters, ineffective as an election machinery, and has not played any significant role in voters registration. Reliable source said Khairy had privately warned that UMNO will continue to suffer, if PM continues to ignore him.
Assume for argument sake that Khairy is capable of doing so and UMNO is solely dependent on him, which is not anymore. He is still unlikely to make Minister in the next few years. For one and only one reason, not only will he not be a Minister, he also run the risk of losing his Parliamentary seat and Ketua Pemuda post.
Khairy was sued by Anwar Ibrahim for RM100 million. He chose to ignore and not defend against the lawsuit. This gave Anwar a walkover judgement in default on December 4th, 2008.
How silly and arrogant can one be as to not defend a lawsuit against oneself? He must have assumed that he can reverse the court judgement just by a mere phone call to the court. By jolly, he was the son-in-law of the then PM Tun Abdullah, heaven's sake.
It seems almost no one took notice of the news that Khairy couldn't set aside judgement in default made by the court. Read the news below:
Anwar Obtains Judgment In Default Against KhairyKhairy had filed for appeal against the May 31st dismissal the next day. [Read at Bernama here.] If he can't set aside a judgement made a year and half ago, what is his chances of dismissing the judgement in default?
KUALA LUMPUR, May 31 (Bernama) -- Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin today failed in his bid to set aside a judgment in default obtained by Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim in a RM100 million defamation suit.
Anwar's counsel S.N.Nair told reporters that High Court Senior Assistant Registrar Nazri Yahya dismissed with costs Khairy's application to set aside the judgment in default.
Anwar was also represented by counsel Wan Anwar Shadat, while Datuk Seri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah and Badrul Munir Bukhari appeared for Khairy.
On Dec 4, 2008, Anwar obtained a judgement in default from the High Court against Khairy when he failed to enter an appearance after the writ of summons had been served on him.
Khairy filed the application to set aside the judgement on Feb 20, 2009.
Anwar, 63, filed the suit against Khairy on March 7, 2008 claiming that Khairy, as the then Umno Youth vice chief, had uttered defamatory words and caused the posting on websites including a video clip entitled "Anwar and kin no threat".
Anwar claimed the video clip on contained defamatory words spoken by Khairy at a ceramah in Lembah Pantai, Kuala Lumpur on or about Feb 20, 2008.
He said the defamatory words, among others, meant he was involved in activities contradictory to Islam, did not have good character and was not fit to hold political or other positions.
He sought RM100 million in aggravated and exemplary damages as well as other relief deemed fit by the court.

Where is Khairy going to pay for such an amount? If a multibillionaire scorn to the idea of signing a single personal cheque of RM100 million to anyone, so will Khairy.
This lawsuit put Khairy in a dilemma. If he or even any member of his in-laws, specifically brother-in-law Kamaluddin, chose to sign such a cheque of such amount to settle the case, it will attract unnecessary attention.
If Khairy doesn't pay, Anwar will have the option to adjudicate him as bankrupt. That means he neither could be a member of Parliament nor hold any position in any organisation under the Registrar of Societies and Directorship in any Companies.
In clearer words, Khairy will lose his Rembau Parliamentary seat and Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO post.
True that it will take ages and endless court proceeding before he is free from that contingent liability of RM100 million.
But, PM cannot take the risk of having a Cabinet member with such financial liability. There lies a potential moral hazard in the sense it jeopardize the reputation of the Ministerial office and as Minister, he risk the temptation to abuse his position and commit corruption.
There is nothing cynical or psy-game here but just the facts.
Khairy should have known of a popular petua (reminder) in UMNO. An overeager for position never made it. If it is of any relevence, Tengku Razaleigh, Musa Hitam and Anwar Ibrahim measured and contained their eagerness but still never made party President.
None amongst them uttered openly such dream of being PM by 40 for the reason being an Oxford graduate.
If the court case does not develop positively for Khairy soon, one can only anticipate Parpukari sending container load order of imported banana for Masjid and Surau for few states!
do send one container to Indonesia..
sini rame juga yg perlu pisang
Sure be MR. Bank Rupppp.....
I hope not, if not sure he be fuck by nuar for not pay him 100Million not 100 Ringgit, but i'm sure he afford to pay due to KJ block at brunai is more then 100 Billion Ringgit.
to be honest , he WONT BE selected to be a naib ketua pemuda at the first place, but for some reason he was ,,,and during kp election if RM does not get involved he never go far and not even selected to contest at rembau seat . kj seldoM surface but the RM - DID IT FOR HIM .
JOKE OF THE DAY: Haris Ibrahim thinks Pakatan can produce a fair and balanced newspaper....
Read all about it HERE
I've read an interesting posting by blogger Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin entitled 'Khairy will rescue Gaza & defeat the evil regime'.
In my response, I stated that I've just watched over Astro, Thabo Mbeki, the former South African President interviewed by an Aljazeera correspondent.
Amongst other things, Mbeki stated that he could have taken a populist approach in trying to solve a myriad of problems faced by SA. Housing being one of them, he could have promised all South Africans that they would be provided with a house each. For that he would then be given a standing ovation.
He, however, admitted in reality he simply didn't have the means to fulfill that promise. He might as well face his countrymen, tell them what the reality was and what and how he was going to do about it.
In a similar vein, may I advise YB KJ to be realistic in displaying his heroism. Otherwise, he is no better than a five-year old kid who thinks he can fly like a superman. Also 'jangan nanti bak kata pepatah Melayu, kokok bergegar-gegar ekor bergelumang tahi'.
Such display of so-called heroism also reflects the sort of character YB KJ is. He is simply impulsive,immatured and rhetorical. Hence, an Oxford degree alone is just not enough to make him an effective member of the cabinet. He has at least until the next GE to be considered as one.
He should be aware or made aware that only one-third of the delegates elected him KP. His immediate task is to win over the rest of the delegates, unite all the members and make the wing a force to be reckoned with.
what is 100 mil ringgit for future prime minister ... 100 mil celah gigi saja laa ...kah..kah..kah..
KJ was found guilty when he want to contest Ketua Pemuda UMNO post.Dr Mahathir did not like the victory of KJ as that post.
I think he do not need to ask for cabinet post.He still can struggle for the people in Parliament.
Terus kan perjuagan KJ...
Hidup KJ!!
It's clear that KJ do not have the support of the Pemuda except for the 304 who were handsomely paid to vote for him. This guy will and forever be a liability to UMNO.
Until now, I cant seem to understand what is so great about being an Oxford graduate. The way KJ maneuver government contract to his benefits is not nuclear science. I have been telling everyone that the only way to get him is for the LHDN to investigate his ill gotten wealth. Its alright now since Anwar has obtained a judgement in default that can make him think what is it like to be on our side. During his reign, he has destroyed many of my business friends and now it is his turn to suffer.
My suggestion is that since he is now back from military training and all, we should send him to Gaza. Or better still, he should volunteer to be sent to Gaza. What with being the best pelatih and all.
Most people has sent filler to KJ to change his ways but was ignored. His arrogance will be his downfall and it wont be for long. As for the clowns that is going around promoting him especially the faggot himself Hishamuddin, it is now clear that they dont understand the wants of the grassroot ie NO KJ OR WE WILL VOTE FOR THE OPPOSITION. Its clear and simple.
i guess sakmongkol must be crying all over the place.. boo.hoo.
so how about it sak, your prodigy son is being sued. wanna lent him some money?
He has his detractors but I will go for him rather than Mahatir;'s son who cannot even grow hair on his head.
you all memang pelupa.
you all semua lupa what sort of person Khairy was when his father-in-law was president of Umno and PM of Malaysia.
He had Pak lah in the palm of his hands, and like a scheming son-in-law, got all that he wanted, allowed excesses at the 4th floor, ...oh banyak cerita yang hodoh lagi. Ingat, ini semua bukan cerita dongeng.
Khairy pi belajar at a first-rate university of the first world...tapi pulang ke tanah air, practices third-world banana republic politics...sampai pak mertua dia di cerca, di caci, di burtu-burukkan.
of course, didnt help that he was a first class SLUMBERjack and clearly overwhelmed by the hugeness of his job as PM.
whatever: ingat-lah puan2 dan tuan2, Khairy at such a young age sudah pandai abused power and position. BIG TIME. Dia bermaharajalela. Jangan lupa, ok!
Sekarang, sudah tentu dia behave.
betul tu. kalau aku punya father-in-law, dan aku punya hati memang tamak haloba...senang saja. no brainer. dan pulak FIL ngok. weh...mudaaah!
apa yang susah. betul not nuclear science.
tapi hati tu mesti teruk baru sampai hati buat gitu.
Najib is a Crown Prince of Tun Abdul Razak,Hishamuddin is a Crown Prince of Tun Hussin Onn, Mukhriz is a Crown Prince of Tun Mahathir,
Zahid Hamidi is a Crown Prince of ....
KJ is a Crown Prince of ..........
Prof Awe Kecik the King Maker
Nua ni pon satu ...
Mana KJ ada duit saman dia sampai ratus juta.
KJ hanya seorang penganggur
Salam Voice,
Melayu tak kemana dengan muka macam si KJ... tak segan silu abuse kuasa while his FIL was in power... ni FIL dah slumber for good pun dia nak push his luck... classic case of syiok sendiri punya character... what has he done untuk Melayu so far? Making noises... substance apa pun tadak! Memecah belahkan Melayu and spread the culture of money politics & cocky arrogance... poorah!
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