Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Musical Interlude: Suara Takbir
Muga Ramadhan anda satu kejayaan. Syabas. Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin.
A Voice of Another Brick in the Wall
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Uck Uck … Not Till Sleepy Actually Sing

UMNO President cum de facto Malaysian Prime Minister, Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi announced the postponements of UMNO General Assembly and Party Election (UMNO GA) to March 2009.
That’s quite a miss from this blog’s prediction of May 9th, 2009 before the Friday’s UMNO Supreme Council Meeting.
The prediction received was March, May and June 2009. It just proves again what Mathematicians have done that the central limit theorem only works with sufficiently large sample size. And, median as a method to derive the most likely predicted outcome has its weakness.
In a conversation with one Ketua Bahagian UMNO last night, new information surfaced. The range wasn’t too far out. The plan proposed by the Abdullah team initially was for the postponements of the Bahagian Meeting and UMNO GA to March and May, 2009, respectively.
In a four-eyed meeting between Abdullah and Deputy President cum Deputy Prime Minister, Najib, it was believed that a compromise was reached for the awkward arrangement for Bahagian Meeting to continue as scheduled and UMNO GA held 4 months after the last Bahagian Meeting.
The stranger statement emanating from the President’s press conference was that he will only announce his decision to contest the President’s post before Oct 9th Division Meeting. Now why would he want to be cryptic about it when he has been bandying the phrase, power transition around?
Words are he already had a session with his staff that he is not contesting. This not-a-gymnast flip flopper have given a pack-up instruction to his staff after the dismal 12th General Election but only to stick around more than six month. What will not make him flip flop again?
Not Discounted
Could Abdullah be seeking to stretch his luck for a year with the hope that twist of events on the real Prime Minister-in-waiting will prolong him? If he could, he will be much sought to assist corporation having problems with creditors in the hard time to come.
Or could he be building it up for person he first referred as the Prime Minster-in-waiting, i.e. Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim?
Anwar failed to form Government through crossover twice, on the promise date of September 16th and 24th, 2008. Although he has set a new deadline for October 1st, he downplayed the dateline game to claim he is seeking constitutional means.
Anwar has toned down his voice and maintained a relatively quiet week since the event altering MKT meeting last week.
Activist and recently turned politician, Tian Chua tried to supercede the boss to claim PKR people are talking to the PM’s people. But that brought about a strong reaction from PM and Anwar. Tian Chua was basically told publicly to shut up and let Anwar do the talking.
Anwar announced he has jointly with YB Lim Kit Siang (DAP) and YB Dato Haji Hadi Awang (PAS) wrote a letter to Agong to seek audience. The same “he has the number” bullshit line used again.
Even if he actually has some numbers for crossover, he does not have enough Malay MPs joining him. Without that, he can continue to spew quotes but he doesn’t stand any bloody chance to form a Government. As one BN Malay MP declared, he would rather be an opposition MP than be part of selling the country and the Malay away with Anwar.
To the sharp eyes, why is Anwar’s Oct 7th dateline close to Abdullah’s Oct 9th dateline? Abdullah can deny and do whatever swearing but his words are no more believed by many, especially with the latest episode.
Anger is mounting from the people and UMNO grassroots. Come October 9th and by the 12th, many believed tsunami III will happen. If he tries to challenge, he will be swept away swiftly.
The tricky bit is why the MKT, except for the voice of Tan Sri Annuar Musa, reached a consensus to this awkward compromise? Will this not make MKT as being in collusion with Abdullah? Will this be received well by the grassroots?
The general belief is that the Najib-Muhyiddin combination will sweep the nomination across the land, saving for Sarawak.
As of today, the stance of Muhyiddin is that he is comfortable to remain at Vice President. While Najib maintained he will leave it to the Bahagian Meeting to agree to the power transition. However, the ground is working at a furious pace to push for this duo’s nomination.
Thinking Aloud
What if Abdullah decide to contest and he managed to get through? This could likely happen. He could strong arm his way through threat, blackmail and bribe. The apparatchik could be the Anti Corruption Agency under the PM’s Department and the War Chest of stolen goods.
Will Najib remain loyal, as he was once quoted by mainstream media, not to challenge the boss? But it is the mainstream media. Just like they have been putting into his puth lately. What happen to the pact, if Najib reverse back to Deputy?
In the meanwhile, Tengku Razaleigh expressed a non-customary remark in his press conference on Saturday.
In Malaysiakini’s report, he described the Abdullah-Najib power transition as boys play. He pun Abdullah’s often said words to describe the situation as first world nation playing third world politics and its leaders resembling leaders of a banana republic.
Ku Li has an old bad habit of shooting bold statements that do backfire when he is overconfident. He should be wiser now but why is he confident? Will it be that his nomination numbers is beyond surpassing the quota? He has worked hard.
Will it be a three way race? Or will it be two way? Who will dropout? Where is Abdullah in all these scenarios?
As one cooperative Ketua Bahagian was saying, Abdullah always make a “wrong decision” when he need to make a decision. He cited the General Election date, Ahmad Ismail debacle, twice postponements of party election dates, and many more.
The party has yet to do a real party election throughout Abdullah’s reign of idiocrasy. Can he get through?
If he does, it will definitely hamper the recovery of UMNO/BN and the possibility for the demise of BN and UMNO. Abdullah’s successful defense of the UMNO Presidency could spur the crossover and it will mean handling over to Anwar. Why is the MKT lulled into believing it will work?
The saying is “The game isn’t over till the fat lady sing.” In this case, not till sleepy actually sing.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Tapi Kerana Khairy ...

Malam semalam meniupkan angin sepoi-sepoi bahasa yang sungguh menyegarkan. Daun-daun dari pohon-pohon yang rendang tempat kami bersantai bersembang mendayukan bunyian yang enak didengar. Hanya menunggu hari dan ada kata menunggu pukul berapa sahaja.
Walaupun ada rakan yang masih skeptik, rasa diri begitu enak bagaikan ada harapan baru dan semangat baru untuk menghadapi suasana yang begitu mencabar. Tapi tak sampai tengahhari, angin mula berubah haluan. Dari angin yang menyegarkan, ia berubah menjadi angin yang merisau dan melemaskan.
Bunyinya berubah kembali kepada satu nada biasa yang hampir menyerupai lagu Al Khawar Izmi yang sudah diubah tajuknya. "Bukan kerana mata" lagi, "tapi kerana Khairy."
Sejak Mesyuarat Tertinggi UMNO pada Jumaat lepas, keadaan politik mula menunjukkan satu harapan baru untuk melihatkan perubahan pucuk kepimpinan yang diharapkan.
Walaupun ada usaha-usaha yang cuba mengalih pandang dari Pulau Pinang dan Kelantan hingga ke lakunan terakhir Seniman "Second-rate" Jinn Shamsuddin semalam, semua hanya usaha-usaha desperado yang tidak akan dapat mengelak sesuatu yang sudah pasti dari akarumbi yang tuntutkan perubahan.
Abdullah mesti mengundurkan diri dari jawatan Perdana Menteri dan Presiden UMNO. Tidak ada cara lain.
Malah, pengumuman Khairy Jamaluddin di Rembau untuk mencuba jawatan Ketua Pemuda UMNO tidak dilihat sesiapa pun sebagai perkara penting. Pendapat ramai sering mengatakan turunnya pak mertua, tergolek dok Khairy. Ramai sudah yakin, dia menunggu masa.
Tetapi Khairy tetap cekal dan masih dengan strategi psy-war untuk mengumumkan Pemuda Sabah menyokongnnya.
Disebabkan bersungguh sangat Khairy inginkan jawatan itu, ia juga menjadi penyebab Abdullah sanggup cari apa saja cara untuk kekal.
Walaupun diri sedar sudah tiada lagi kepercayaan rakyat jelata dan akarumbi UMNO, dan sudah dibenci pelbagai lapisan rakyat, negara dan UMNO, Abdullah masih mahu kekal di jawatan Presiden dan Perdana Menteri supaya boleh disalahguna jentera parti dan kerajaan untuk membolehkan Khairy menang jawatan itu.
Petang ini, tidak boleh lagi dibendung cerita-cerita. Esok Majlis Tertinggi UMNO akan mengadakan Mesyaurat Khas yang mana akan dipersetujui bahawa Persidangan Agung UMNO akan ditangguh kepada 9hb Mei dan Abdullah akan kekal memegang jawatan sehingga hari tersebut. Difahami bahawa ada suara-suara yang menentang tidak dapat hadhir kerana pelbagai sebab.
Dalam salah satu malam baru-baru ini, semua Ketua Perhubungan Negeri telah bermesyuarat dan semua ini sudah set.
Jika jadi, ini adalah satu keanihan kerana Mesyuarat Bahagian UMNO akan dikekalkan mengikut jadual yang ditetapkan bermula pada 9 Oktober hingga ke 9 November. Dengan tertangguhnya tarikh PAU ke 9 Mei 2009, ini bermakna persidangan tersebut diadakan 6 bulan selepas berakhir Mesyuarat Bahagian UMNO.
Pemilihan UMNO ini sudah dua kali ditangguhkan. Alasan mulanya adalah untuk menumpukan kepada rancangan pembangunan. Kemudian pula, alasannya adalah Pilihanraya Umum pada Mac 8hb.
Kalau ikut rancangannya, PRU 12 akan melihatkan seteru-seteru Abdullah tumpas dan UMNO/BN cemerlang. gemilang dan terhalang. Ini akan memperlihatkan Abdullah dan keluarga mengetatkan kuasa dalam parti.
Manusia merancang, dan tuhan masih sayangkan parti dan negara. Keputusan pilihanray tidak seperti yang diharapkan. Rancangan jahat Abdullah, keluarganya dan kuasa-kuasa belakang tabir seberang tebrau gagal.
Kini Abdullah tertekan tetapi masih berdegil. Akhirnya kedegilan dan penafian sudah tidak berjaya dan dia sedia berundur tetapi kerana Khairy.
Penangguhan ini pun menyalahi undang-undang kerana Persidangan itu harus diadakan sebelum Januari 9hb, 2009. Malah penangguhan pun sudah menyalahi perlembagaan UMNO tetapi dimanipulasi.
Lebih anih lagi, ada pula menyatakan Abdullah berjanji tidak akan bertanding jawatan Presiden, mungjkin mengundur diri tetapi mahu dia dikekalkan dalam jawatan Perdana Menteri hingga masa peralihan pada 9 Mei.
Apa yang Abdullah boleh lakukan yang tidak boleh dilakukan dengan jauh lebih baik oleh orang lain? Bukankah ini terang sekali kerana Khairy.
Kita tunggu bagaimana suara-suara yang menentang akan memberi reaksi kepada cadangan anih yang membelakangkan amalan demokrasi.
Dato Seri Najib tentu sekali dalam keadaan tercepit. Jika dia mempersetujui rancangan ini, reputasinya akan terjejas. Malah, pencalunan jawatan Presiden yang boleh dengan sekali lalu melenyapkan Abdullah boleh berubah. Abdullah dalam keadaan di mana senjata "undi kuota" memakan tuannya. Tetapi jika Najib tidak ada 'finishing', dia boleh melepas.
Hari ini, suratkhabar melaporkan Anwar masih dengan angan-angannnya tetapi kini cuba menutup malu. Anwar sudha menyampaikan surat kepada DYMM Seri PAduka Baginda Yang Dipertuan Agong tentang hasrat untuk menubuh kerajaan baru. Sejak gagal menyempurnakan jani untuk dpaat mengambilalih kerajaan pada September 16hb, dia sudah rata-rata dipanggil pembohong.
Semalam Abdullah memanggil gila laporan yang menyatakan orang-orang Abdullah sudah berhubung dengan orang-orang Anwar. Orang ramai dan akrumbi UMNO masih tetap mengesyaki Abdullah cuba menurunkan takhta kepada Anwar.
Abdullah yang sudah tidak dipercayai rakyat. Tidak ada lagi yang boleh dilakukan dan dikatakan yang tidak menimbulkan syak orang ramai. Pertukaran kepada portfolio Pertahanan dikatakan ramai mempunyai motif untuk memulakan pemerintahan darurat untuk kekal berkuasa.
Sementara itu, Tengku Razaleigh akan mengadakan sidang akhbar pada pukul 3 petang besok. Apa yang sedia anak raja ini dedahkan rancangannya?
Pada majlis dialog dengan media dan blogger, beliau membayangkan seolah-olah mempunyai rancangan yang berupaya membawa penyelesaian kepada masaalah yang dihadapi negara, parti dan rakyat, terutama orang-orang Melayu.
Adakah jalan itu berupaya menyelesaikan kemelut politik yang memualkan orang kebanyakkan dan lahir akibat kedegilan Abdullah dari mengundur diri disebabkan kepentingan keluarga?
Selagi Ku Li tidak menunjukkan lebih bertenaga dalam asakan politiknya terhadap Abdullah dan Najib, dia tidak dilihat sebagai calun yang viable lagi. Mungkin orang lama caranya sabar, tidak gopoh dan terancang jauh. Adakah ini masanya untuk Ku Li?
Buat masa ini, harapan ramai masih kepada Najib. Pembetulan, harapan ramai itu tidak termasuk Anwar Ibrahim dan sesetengah pengikut Ku Li.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Musical Interlude: Should I Stay Or Should I Go - (Not Exactly) The Clash
Tomorrow, Friday, Sept 26th, 2008 10 am: UMNO Supreme Council Special Meeting
Darling you gotta let me know
Should I stay or should I go?
If you say that you are mine
Ill be here til the end of time
So you got to let know
Should I stay or should I go?
Always tease tease tease
Siempre - coqetiando y enganyando
Youre happy when Im on my knees
Me arrodilla y estas feliz
One day is fine, next is black
Un dias bien el otro negro
So if you want me off your back
Al rededar en tu espalda
Well come on and let me know
Me tienes que desir
Should I stay or should I go?
Me debo ir o que darme
Should I stay or should I go now?
Should I stay or should I go now?
If I go there will be trouble
An if I stay it will be double
So come on and let me know
This indecisions bugging me
Esta undecision me molesta
If you dont want me, set me free
Si no me quieres, librame
Exactly whom Im supposed to be
Diga me que tengo ser
Dont you know which clothes even fit me?
saves que robas me querda?
Come on and let me know
Me tienes que desir
Should I cool it or should I blow?
me debo ir o quedarme?
Should I stay or should I go now?
yo me frio o lo sophlo?
If I go there will be trouble
Si me voi - va ver peligro
And if I stay it will be double
Si me quedo es doble
So you gotta let me know
Me tienes que decir
Should I stay or should I go?
yo me frio o lo sophlo?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Turun 10 Sen Sahaja? Abdullah Tak Henti-henti Berbohong
Utusan Malaysia 24/09/2008 5:26pmKerajaan telah terakhir mengumumkan penurunan harga minyak dan diesel pada Ogos 22hb, 2008 sebanyak 8 sen dan 22 sen selitar. Semasa itu, Perdana Menteri Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi telah berjanji akan menurunkan harga minyak sebanyak 15 sen selitar sekiranya purata harga minyak kekal kepada USD109 setong.
Harga minyak turun 10 sen
KUALA LUMPUR 24 Sept. - Kerajaan mengumumkan harga runcit petrol RON97 dan 92 dikurangkan sebanyak 10 sen iaitu daripada RM2.55 kepada RM2.45 seliter dan RM2.50 kepada RM2.40 seliter, berkuat kuasa mulai esok.
Di mana janji manis Perdana Menteri?
Mengapakah pengumuman ini dibuat oleh Tan Sri Muhyiddin dan bukan Dato Shahrir Abdul Samad? Adakah kerana berita ini bukan berita baik maka bukan Abdullah yang sendiri mengumumkan? Adakah Abdullah akan menyalahkan Najib yang belum pun seminggu menjadi Menteri Kewangan? Adakah pengumuman ini bersangkut dengan kedudukkan Abdullah yang tidak stabil?
Bagaimana pula cerita Abdullah meminta peniaga turnkan harga barang? Apa perkembangan terbaru?
Itulah barang bila dah naik, susah nak diturunkan kerana struktur kos sudah kekal. Kenapa memandai mudah sangat naikkan mendadak 78 sen dan RM1 gas untuk minyak dan diesel?
Persoalan persoalan persoalan ...
Utusan Malaysia September 5hb, 2008-----------------------------------
Turun lagi 15 sen – PM
* Jika harga minyak mentah dunia di bawah AS$109 setong
PUTRAJAYA 4 Sept. – Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berkata, harga runcit minyak petrol dan diesel mungkin diturunkan lagi sebanyak 15 sen daripada harga semasa, jika harga minyak mentah dunia stabil di bawah paras AS$109 setong sehingga akhir tahun ini.
Beliau berkata, di bawah formula pengiraan subsidi bahan api, semakan semula harga runcit petrol dan diesel akan dilakukan pada 1 Oktober ini atau pertengahan bulan tersebut.
“Harga minyak dunia turun dan naik. Kalau ia kekal AS$109 sehingga penghujung tahun ini, sudah tentu saya akan berasa amat gembira untuk mengumumkan penurunan sebanyak 15 sen daripada apa yang ada sekarang.
“Sama-samalah kita berdoa supaya (minyak dunia) tidak naik, kalau boleh biar turun lagi,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas mempengerusikan Mesyuarat Majlis Kewangan Negara di sini hari ini.
Perdana Menteri berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas trend harga minyak dunia pada masa ini yang menurun kepada AS$109 setong berbanding AS$115 setong dua minggu lalu.
Abdullah berkata, harga runcit petrol dan diesel bulan lalu disemak lebih awal pada 22 Ogos bagi membolehkan rakyat mendapat tawaran terbaik dalam soal harga minyak.
“Pada masa itu, trend harga minyak dunia menunjukkan peningkatan dan jika dilengahkan kita khuatir rakyat tidak akan mendapat manfaat apa-apa.
“Jadi saya berpendapat, ini masa terbaik untuk membuat keputusan. Jika kita semak harga minyak pada 1 September seperti dijadualkan, ia akan meningkat sebanyak dua sen iaitu RM2.57 berbanding RM2.55 seperti diumumkan,” katanya.
Pada 23 Ogos lalu, kerajaan menurunkan harga runcit petrol RON97 sebanyak 15 sen daripada RM2.70 seliter kepada RM2.55 seliter, manakala harga runcit diesel sebanyak lapan sen daripada RM2.58 seliter kepada RM2.50 seliter.
Utusan Malaysia Sept 22hb 2008-----------------------------------
Harga petrol boleh turun 30 sen seliter
KUALA LUMPUR 21 Sept. - Harga bahan bakar dalam negara dijangka dapat diturunkan 30 sen seliter menjelang perayaan Aidilfitri sekiranya harga minyak di pasaran dunia kekal di bawah paras AS$100 (RM340) setong.
Penganalisis ekonomi, Tan Sri Dr. Ramon Navaratnam berkata, pada Ogos lalu kerajaan menurunkan harga petrol dan diesel dari lapan sen hingga 15 sen seliter apabila harga pasaran dunia menurun sehingga AS$110 setong.
Berdasarkan kedudukan harga minyak di pasaran dunia sekarang, katanya, tidak mustahil harga seliter petrol dapat diturunkan sehingga 30 sen.
"Kerajaan akan mengambil kira kadar penurunan berdasarkan kiraan yang dibuat selepas mempertimbangkan pelbagai faktor dan kesan yang mungkin dihadapi.
"Bulan lalu ketika harga pasaran turun sehingga AS$110 setong, kerajaan telah menurunkan harga bahan bakar sehingga 15 sen seliter.
"Kini, harga pasaran sekali lagi menurun sehingga di bawah paras AS$100, maka saya menjangkakan harganya mungkin akan diturunkan sehingga 30 sen lagi,'' katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.
Harga seliter petrol RON 97 sekarang RM2.55 seliter manakala harga diesel ialah RM2.50. Ketika kerajaan menaikkan harga minyak pada Jun lepas sewaktu pasaran minyak dunia AS$125 setong, harga petrol ialah RM2.70 seliter manakala diesel RM2.58 seliter.
Ramon berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas kemungkinan kerajaan menurunkan atau mengekalkan harga petrol dan diesel yang bakal diketahui pada mesyuarat Kabinet Rabu ini.
Beliau percaya inisiatif kerajaan mengurangkan harga minyak itu pasti akan membawa berita baik kepada setiap rakyat menjelang Aidilfitri.
Beliau berharap kerajaan akan menunjukkan keprihatinan terhadap rakyat yang mengalami pelbagai masalah kenaikan harga barang termasuk bahan bakar dengan menurunkan harga petrol dan diesel menjelang hari raya.
Sementara itu, pakar ekonomi, Senator Prof. Datuk Dr. Ismail Md. Salleh juga sependapat dengan Ramon bahawa kerajaan akan bertindak mengurangkan harga bahan bakar antara 30 hingga 40 sen seliter.
Kerajaan sebelum ini, katanya, berjanji akan menurunkan harga bahan bakar berdasarkan penurunan harga di pasaran dunia.
"Memandangkan harga pasaran sekarang menurun sehingga kurang daripada AS$100 setong, kerajaan tentu akan menunaikan janjinya untuk menurunkan harga petrol dan diesel dalam negara,'' jelasnya.
Setiausaha Agung Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM), Datuk Dr. Maamor Osman berkata, tindakan menurunkan harga bahan bakar itu amat dialu-alukan untuk mengurangkan beban rakyat.
"Penurunan harga bahan bakar ini secara tidak langsung juga akan menurunkan harga barang keperluan harian. Selepas ini, tiada lagi alasan untuk para peniaga menaikkan harga barangan keperluan rakyat.
"Dengan itu, pastinya ia dapat mengurangkan kesusahan dan beban rakyat terutama menjelang Aidilfitri,'' ujarnya.
Ketua Eksekutif Gabungan Persatuan-persatuan Pengguna Malaysia (FOMCA), Mohd. Yusof Abdul Rahman berkata, kebarangkalian kerajaan untuk menurunkan harga bahan bakar amat tinggi berikutan harga minyak di pasaran dunia turun sehingga di bawah paras AS$100 setong.
"Kerajaan akan membuat kiraan dan menentukan berapa sen seliter yang patut dikurangkan," ujarnya.
Presiden Persatuan Pengusaha Stesen Esso, Alang Zari Ishak pula meminta kerajaan mewujudkan dana untuk mengurangkan kerugian jika harga petrol dan diesel dalam negara diturunkan secara mendadak.
Jelasnya, setiap pengusaha stesen minyak diwajibkan menyimpan stok minyak selama dua hari bagi memastikan bekalan tidak akan terjejas.
"Sekiranya kami menjual minyak dengan harga rendah sedangkan bekalan itu dibeli pada harga yang tinggi (sebelum penurunan harga), ia akan merugikan pengusaha," ujarnya.
"Contohnya, penurunan harga pada 23 Ogos lalu telah menyebabkan para pengusaha stesen minyak di seluruh negara mengalami kerugian sehingga RM10 juta.
"Oleh itu, saya berharap kerajaan akan mempertimbangkan kesusahan kami dan mewujudkan satu sistem atau dana bagi menanggung kerugian yang kami hadapi sekiranya harga minyak diturunkan secara mendadak,'' ujarnya.
Sedutan laporan Utusan Malaysia 24 Ogos 2008
Abdullah minta peniaga turun harga barang
KUALA LUMPUR 23 Ogos - Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi meminta para peniaga menurunkan harga barang sejajar dengan langkah kerajaan menurunkan harga petrol dan diesel.Perdana Menteri berkata, ekoran penurunan harga petrol dan diesel antara 15 dan 22 sen itu, para peniaga juga sepatutnya mengambil langkah yang sama untuk manfaat pengguna.
''Ketika meminta supaya harga minyak diturunkan, mereka hendakkan ia dilakukan cepat-cepat dan setelah dilakukan (diturunkan), mereka (peniaga) juga perlu bantu-membantu untuk menurunkan harga barang-barang,'' katanya pada sidang akhbar di sini hari ini.
Beliau berkata demikian selepas melancarkan majlis Bulan Pencegahan Jenayah Peringkat Kebangsaan anjuran Yayasan Pencegahan Jenayah Malaysia (MCPF) di Pusat Konvensyen Kuala Lumpur (KLCC) di sini hari ini.
Semalam, Abdullah mengumumkan penurunan harga petrol dan diesel bermula hari ini.
Kabinet memutuskan harga runcit petrol RON97 dikurangkan sebanyak 15 sen daripada RM2.70 seliter kepada RM2.55 seliter manakala harga runcit petrol RON92 dikurangkan sebanyak 22 sen iaitu daripada RM2.62 seliter kepada RM2.40 seliter.
Harga runcit diesel dikurangkan sebanyak lapan sen seliter daripada RM2.58 seliter kepada RM2.50 seliter.
Abdullah berkata, penurunan harga minyak dilakukan sekarang memandangkan wujudnya trend yang harga bahan api itu akan naik lagi selepas ini.
Jika harga minyak tidak diturunkan sekarang kata Abdullah, adalah sukar untuk dilakukannya nanti kerana harga bahan api itu sentiasa akan naik.
''Seperti yang telah kerajaan janjikan bahawa harga petrol boleh diturunkan sekiranya ada petanda harga bahan api itu turun di pasaran dunia,'' jelas Abdullah.
Abdullah berkata, penurunan harga minyak dilakukan bukan untuk mencari populariti menjelang pilihan raya kecil Parlimen Permatang Pauh.
Ditanya sama ada kerajaan akan terus memberi rebat kepada pemilik kenderaan, beliau memberitahu, ia akan diteruskan sehingga Mac tahun depan dan kerajaan akan menimbangkan sama ada ia dilanjutkan apabila tiba masanya.
Mengenai sama ada beliau akan mengumumkan sesuatu yang akan mempopularkan kerajaan dalam Bajet 2009 Jumaat ini, Abdullah berkata:''Saya tidak peduli tentang populariti tetapi melakukan sesuatu untuk rakyat mengikut kemampuan saya, saya akan lakukan... saya tidak peduli apa mereka kata termasuk parti pembangkang.
''Jika memerlukan dasar diubah saya akan ubah, saya ada tanggungjawab untuk dilaksanakan dan akan melakukannya dengan cara saya,'' kata beliau. ...
As Court Trial Draws Closer, Will Anwar's World Began to Crumble?

This is Anwar in his elements on-stage delivering a speech, entertaining the crowd and having them eat out of his hands. He can make you villain and hero with few contraction and relaxation of muscles in his mouth.
Tomorrow Wednesday September 24th, he is due to appear in court to await his case to be tried at the high court.
When trial begin, will it be a long drawn case? Or a short one? Will the trial be long enough for Anwar to warm the Parliamentary seat he chose to have his wife relinquished and "won" back by him? Maybe he will get at least one full Parliamentary session.
When trial begin, do not be surprised that Anwar's facial impression will change in a matter of days.

His confidence shattered, words stuttered and dream to be at the pinnacle of power he long dream off will crumble.
It was only as good while it last ...
Saiful police report on Anwar for the yet again alleged act of sodomy won him in the court of public opinion. In a Merdeka poll done, some 55 percent believed he is innocent and only some 20 odd percent believed he is guilty.
Anwar's dramatic run to the Turkish Embassy for safety, his staged police hold-up for investigation, his denials after denials, his claims of alibi, and his crafty wasy of turning around the table on the Government made the public believed him more and more.
This blogger called it stupid, if there had been attempt to pin on Anwar on an offense of the past. Guilty as charged. But that was meant to put pressure on Abdullah.
In my deepest thoughts, the police wouldn't want to get into the same mess unless they are so damn sure.
There was a big brouhaha over claim that police found Anwar's DNA from sample taken from Saiful. Then the attempt to pass the DNA Act that made a mockery out of Government MPs.
BN Backbencher couldn't defend it well and the law was inadequate, thus needing it to go to a Select Committee for redrafting. Syed Hamid and PM refused but refused to giave any valid reason.
Parliament was in the midst of this debate, when Anwar came into Parliament. With Government taking the case seriously, he was seen in a hurry to expediate his entry to Parliament. But Anwar will not able to extricate himself unless he takeover Government.
Thereon he fastforward his plan for the takeover of Government, working earnestly to create the greatest illusion of a massive BN MPs crossover reminiscence of his takeover of Sabah Government in his days in BN as DPM.
He boldly claimed he will form a new Government on September 16th. But it didn't materialised. Public's trust for Anwar is slowly waning.
Tian Chua is trying keep the crossover alive. He claimed Abdullah was given notice for a smooth transition on Octoer 1st. This maybe a serious claim since he did hold talk with PAS.
But frankly it wil not amount to anything. Everyting is signed sealed and delivered. Anwar is counting the number of days the world will crumble on him.
Latest update 1:20 pm:
The Star Online, Wednesday September 24, 2008
Anwar to know on Oct 7 (Update 2)
KUALA LUMPUR: Sessions Court Judge SM Komathy Suppiah has set Oct 7 to deliver her decision on whether to transfer the sodomy trial of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to the High Court.
The PKR adviser was charged on Aug 7 with sodomising his former aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan. He pleaded not guilty.
He was at the Sessions Court at 9.58am, accompanied by his wife the former Permatang Pauh MP Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and his lawyer S.N. Nair.
The prosecution had asked for the matter to be transferred to the High Court.
The defence objected because the transfer notice was signed by Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail, whom they noted was being investigated following a complaint that he had tampered with evidence in Anwar’s cases 10 years ago.
Anwar is accused of committing the offence at Desa Damansara Condominium in Jalan Setiakasih, Bukit Damansara, between 3.01pm and 4.30pm on June 26.
If convicted, he can be jailed up to 20 years and whipped for voluntarily committing unnatural sex under Section 377B of the Penal Code.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Curious ... Extremely Curious Why RPK Sent to Kamunting? Is It Abdullah's Reaction to Challenge?

It was reported today that Raja Petra Kamaruddin (RPK) was sent to Kamunting Detention Camp for two years under Section 8 of the Internal Security Act.
This act means that, like the five Hindraf detainees that was immediately sent there, interrogation on RPK has stopped or in his case, it did not even began.
From news reports, RPK's lawyer said that he is now deemd as a national threat and given the marching order last night.
RPK is already facing several lawsuits, sedition charges, and other court issues. Are those process of law insufficient to deal with the various allegations against him? Are the recent voices from BN component party members not sufficient alarm to be more judicious?
Together with other reasons, the recent ISA Ops has evolved into a security operations shrouded with suspicions.
Firstly, it occurs when the Prime Minister is facing political threat from within and without his party. Does this has any link?
ISA is known to be strictly a police matter. Detention under Section 73 interrogation for 60 days is on police recomendation and acknowledgement by the Minister of Internal Affairs.
This raised the second issue. Why is Syed Hamid the one making press statements, if it is none of his bloody business? Now who signed the detention order? Was it Syed Hamid or ...?
Dato Ibrahim Ali, a two time ISA detainee mentioned in a press conference yesterday evening that any power to detain under the ISA held by politician and Minister should be taken away. In place, it should be decided by a committee free from any political influence.
Third, why the Section 8 if Syed Hamid said this is a police matter? Section 8 empowers the Minister to sent the detainee to Kemunting for two years, and could subsequently be rolled over.
Fourth, the manner the recent ISA is implemented is srange and bordering on amateurish. Why would a reporter be detained when news editor determine published news? Why must ISA be applied merely to interrogate her for a day? Is there no other more suitable law, other than ISA, to call her in for interrogation? Is this not creating public tension?
Fifth, the situation to apply ISA is unwarranted. Dr Mahathir last week said the situation is tense but not a security threat. Ku Li does not agree to the use of ISA for this situation. Both these leaders did not seek for the abolishment of ISA but both see the rule of law is more applicable.
Is there any possibility of a racial riot? Are the Malays, Chinese and Indian in a rage ready to martyr? Some segments of Chinese and Indian are on a vocal mood. But the Malays are indifferent, not willing to sacrifice for a leader they have no confidence with.

There is more amidst the eyes here.
Even Najib who is a victim of RPK's statutory declaration and psy-war is relieved that the Sin Chew Jit Poh reporter, Tan YB and Theresa Kok was released.
Is this by design to smear Najib's name and raised further animosity by PKR and their supporters against Najib?
This gif file candle image is placed as a virgil in unison with other sympathiser of RPK. My sympathy is for the family.
Something smells in high heaven.
Words in UMNO circle are saying anarchy is setting in into UMNO. Sympathy game, coddle and plead is no more acceptable. Money, kain pelikat, and trips have failed and backfired. Authority is rebelled against. Lies and deception is anticipated.
Nothing can convince the masses except suppression with the use of harassment and blackmail!
The five undertaking this onerous and subsequently rewarding endeavour, if successful, are newly "honured" Tan Sri Anuar Musa, Dato Che Alwi (Ketereh), Dato Hamzah Zainuddin, and Dato Reezal Merican.
Dato Kamalauddin and Khairy Jamaluddin is likely to be orchestrating this life saving mission for "Baba" Abdullah, the claimed reformer and libertarian.
If he comes out a winner through this ordeal, will it lead to the emergence of a weak tyrant and dictator surrounded the puppeteers? Is this why he is seeking the millitary portfolio?
With Syed Hamid, a turned Abdullah loyalist helming Internal Affairs, is it about Abdullah holding full control of intelligence, security and "armed outfit" to remain in power?.
I'm curious. Extremely curious.
Is this a case of the revenge of the lembik? One thing for sure, never underestimate the severity of vengence by the lembiks and lembuts.
One wonders. Will there be an UMNO General Assembly this December?
Simpanan Bank Darah Rendah, ANSARA Anjur Kempen

Menurut e-melnya, ANSARA akan mengadakan satu lagi 'Kempen Derma Darah bulan Ramadhan 2008' di Masjid Jamek Kampong Baru, Kuala Lumpur pada hari Jumaat, 26hb September 2008 dari pukul 6.00 petang hingga 11 malam bersempena Majlis Khatam Tarawih.
Ini perlu dilakukan kerana Pusat Darah Negara perlu menambah stok yang berkurangan untuk menghadapi cuti Hari Raya musim 'balik kampong'.
Sehubungan dengan ini, mana-mana Masjid dan Surau yang ingin menganjurkan program sedemikian, boleh menghubungi Dr Halim di nombor peribadi 012-6636232 untuk khidmat nasihat atau terus kepada Pusat Darah Negara.
Derma darah juga adalah sadaqah laporan Mingguan Malaysia September 21, 2008 mengenai acara ini seperti berikut:
Kempen Derma Darah bulan Ramadan
KEMPEN Derma Darah Pra-Ramadan ANSARA-Utusan 2008 yang diadakan di 27 lokasi seluruh negara dari 28 hingga 31 Ogos lalu berjaya mengumpul 4,138 pain darah untuk kegunaan sepanjang bulan Ramadan.
Namun, jumlah ini tidak memenuhi sasaran 5,000 pain darah, terutamanya untuk kegunaan minggu terakhir puasa dan minggu pertama Hari Raya Aidilfitri tahun ini.
Masalah kekurangan bekalan darah ini juga bukan sesuatu yang baru memandangkan ia berlaku setiap tahun kerana umat Islam jarang menderma darah ketika berpuasa.
Kekurangan bekalan darah akan menjadi lebih kritikal pada akhir bulan Ramadan apabila orang ramai mula bertolak balik ke kampung, seterusnya meningkatkan kes kemalangan di jalan raya.
Bukan sahaja bilangan kes kemalangan yang dijangka meningkat, malahan bekalan darah juga diperlukan untuk keperluan pembedahan, termasuk menyambut kelahiran dan juga rawatan individu dengan masalah darah.
l Derma selepas berbuka
ANSARA (Persatuan Bekas Pelajar-Pelajar MRSM) telah mengambil inisiatif untuk membantu Pusat Darah Negara (PDN) menganjurkan sekali lagi kempen derma darah dalam bulan Ramadan, yang akan diadakan pada waktu malam selepas umat Islam berbuka puasa.
Penyelaras kempen ini, Dr. Mohd. Halim Abu Bakar menjelaskan orang ramai boleh menderma pada hari Jumaat ini (26 September 2008) di Masjid Jamek Kampung Baru Kuala Lumpur, sempena Majlis Khatam Tarawih di masjid itu.
"Kita akan mulakan sesi pertama derma darah mulai 6 petang hingga waktu berbuka puasa. Sesi kedua pula akan diadakan dari selepas waktu berbuka dan sembahyang Maghrib, hingga waktu Isyak. Sesi ketiga akan diadakan selepas sembahyang Tarawih hingga jam 11 malam.
"Kami berharap warga kota dapat datang beramai-ramai untuk berbuka puasa, sembahyang dan menderma darah bersama di Masjid Jamek Kampung Baru pada malam itu," katanya.
Menderma darah tidak membatalkan puasa. Orang ramai juga tidak perlu risau akan keletihan untuk menderma darah sejurus sebelum berbuka kerana mereka boleh makan dan minum untuk mengembalikan tenaga tidak lama selepas menderma.
Bagi yang khuatir letih menderma sebelum berbuka, boleh juga berbuat demikian selepas waktu Maghrib atau selepas solat Tarawih di mana badan telah mendapat air dan tenaga secukupnya.
Sabda Rasulullah: "Sebaik-baik sedekah ialah sedekah pada bulan Ramadan" (riwayat Tirmizi).
Dr. Mohd. Halim menyatakan bersedekah dan menderma adalah salah satu daripada cara untuk meraikan kedatangan Ramadan al-Mubarak.
"Darah adalah di antara yang paling berharga untuk didermakan, apatah lagi pada bulan Ramadan. Semoga Allah memberkati orang yang menderma darah dalam bulan Ramadan al-Mubarak ini," ujarnya.
Mereka yang mampu dan berupaya untuk menderma dijemput menyertai kempen ini, bukan hanya untuk menyelamatkan nyawa orang lain, mungkin anda akan menyelamatkan nyawa keluarga anda sendiri.
Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila layari laman web www.ansara.org.my atau hubungi penyelaras kempen, Dr. Halim Abu Bakar di talian 012-6636232.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sepintas Lalu Pemikiran Ku Li

YBM Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah mengadakan Dialog Bersama-sama Blogger dan Media diikuti dengan Majlis Berbuka Puasa di rumahnya di Jalan Langgak Golf, Kuala Lumpur semalam September 22, 2008.
Dialog yang memakan masa satu jam setengah bukan hanya berlegar mengenai politik dan penawaran dirinya untuk jawatan Presiden bagi pemilihan UMNO pada bulan Disember, tetapi meliputi isu-isu semasa, ekonomi, keselamatan dan antara kaum yang melanda negara.
Jurublog hanya ingin melaporkan perkara-perkara yang dirasakan utama dan yang tidak disentuh oleh jurublog lain dan media setakat ini. Dari dialog semalam, boleh disimpulkan Ku Li menyarankan perlunya satu usaha holistik perlu dilakukan untuk menangani cabaran masakini yang amat besar dan kritikal, dan perlu ditangani segera.
Usaha itu harus melibatkan parti UMNO, gabungan Barisan Nasional, antara parti-parti politik dan peringkatkan kebangsaan, termasuk khususnya perlu penglibatan lebih bermakna Sabah dan Sarawak.

Dengan demikian, beliau tidak menentang sesiapa tetapi hanya "menawarkan diri" untuk jawatan Presiden secara demokratik. Katanya, "I have no baggage. I can hold my head high. And walk without flinching right or left."
Beliau mengulang mesej kempennya bahawa kuasa parti perlu kembali kepada ahli dan akarumbi untuk mengurangkan cengkaman pucuk kepimpinan ke atas parti. UMNO perlu mengembalikan demokrasi dan amalan parti perlu mengikut perlembagaan. Beliau menyentuh mengenai rancangan peralihan kuasa yang beliau anggap sebagai "unconstitutional".
Ditanya mengenai perkembangan terbaru di mana beberapa jemaah kabinet Menteri yang menuntut Perdana Menteri Abdullah mengundurkan diri, beliau menyatakan Menteri-Menteri tersebut perlu mengundur diri dahulu.
Beliau menerangkan bahawa menurut prinsip Perdana Menteri adalah "one among equal", jemaah Menteri adalah pilihan Perdana Menteri dan satu-satu keputusan adalah keputusan kolektif. Jika ada Menteri yang mempersoalkan keputusan dan persetujuan Kabinet, Menteri tersebut harus mengundur diri.
Jika kepimpinan Perdana Menteri itu dipersoalkan maka ini bermakna Menteri tersebut mempersoalkan kewibawaan seluruh Kabinet.
Manakala berkenaan pertukaran portfolio antara Pertahan dan Kewangan antara Najib dan Abdullah, beliau tidak melihat apa-apa dari pertukaran tersebut.
Menurutnya ini satu peningkatan dan pertambahan tanggungjawab untuk Najib kerana portfolio Kewangan lebih tinggi peranan dalam pentadbiran kerajaan.

Bila ditanya mengenai perancangan-perancangan beliau, beliau enggan memberi penerangan terperinci mengenai rancangan-rancangan pemulihannya kerana "takut dipancung".
Beliau hanya menyampaikan hasrat beliau untuk memulihkan kembali UMNO dengan menghidupkan demokrasi dan membawa bakat-bakat baru dari orang-orang muda dan ide-ide baru. Selepas itu, katanya Barisan Nasional perlu diperkemas dan diperkuatkan kembali.
Seterusnya satu usaha konsolidasi dan kemaskini yang melibatkan institusi-institusi negara, kerajaan, parti politik, masyarakat dan rakyat perlu dilakukan.
Menurutnya pentadbiran yang ada seolah-olah tidak menyedari persoalan di bawah antara rakyat. Beliau merasakan perlu satu usaha reform yang meletakkan struktur kerajaan yang bebas dari rasuah dengan mengurangkan kuasa budi bicara (discretion) eksekutif and meletakkan jawatankuasa dalam beberapa peringkat kerajaan sebagai penentu polisi-polisi dan keputusan-keputusan penting.

Kebanyakkan yang hadir menyuarakan kerisauan dan keresahan kepada keadaan ekonomi terkini.
Ku Li menyatakan pengurusan ekonomi tidak ada halatuju dan tidak fokus. Beliau mendedahkan seorang pengurus dana, yang menguruskan dana pelaburan sebesar US$300 billion, menganggap taraf Malaysia lebih teruk dari Phillipines.
Menurutnya, dana yang keluar hanya akan mengkaji semula status Malaysia dalam enam bulan selepas pemilihan bukan Disember.
Selain dari pengaliran keluar dana ke luar negara, masaalah "capital flight" dimana dana dalam negara meninggalkan negara pun meruncingkan juga.
Menyentuh mengenai krisis kewangan antarabangsa, halatuju krisis ini tidak dapat dijangka kerana dunia tidak pernah mengalami krissi demikian besar. Beliau merasakan ini adalah keruntuhan sistem kapitalis dunia.
Beliau merasakan pendirian Menteri Kewangan II bahawa ini tidak membawa impak kepada negara adalah tidak benar sama sekali. Sebagai negara perdagangan, Malaysia pasti terjejas dalam beberapa bulan dari impak "meltdown" institusi-institusi kewangan barat.
Berkenaan Dasar Ekonomi Baru yang sering hangat dibincangkan, beliau menyatakan DEB asal tidak mempunyai elemen perkauman. Dalam dokumen asal DEB, ia tidak menyebut kaum Melayu atau seterusnya.
Perkara ini menimbulkan reasksi berbeza-beza dari yang hadhir. Namun, Ku Li menyatakan bahawa DEB bukan polisi yang salah dan patut dihapuskan sama sekali kerana kelemahan implimentasi.
Beliau pernah menyatakan sudah sampai masa untuk satu usaha mengemaskini dan membetulkan kembali arah tuju DEB.
Lain-lain liputan oleh blogger boleh didapati di blog Dunia Tiger, Kuda Ranggi, dan TV Smith. Gambar-gambar pertemuan tersebut boleh diperolehi di Minaq Jinggo.
Jurublog ini berharap agar ada sesi-sesi yang melibatkan calun-calun Presiden UMNO yang lain, kemungkinan Dato Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak dan Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sanusi Umum Rapat Raksaksa Tuntut Undur?
Asm. Wbt. Kepada seluruh anggota masyarakat Melayu di Malaysia. Dengan hormatnya dimaklumkan mengenai adanya rancangan mengadakan rapat raksaksa di Kuala Lumpur untuk mendesak PM yang ada sekarang supaya cepat berhenti. Mohon sokongan semua anggota masyarakat Melayu yang cintakan agama, bangsa dan tanahair. Mesej dari TS Sanusi Junid.
Sebelum ini kedengaran, Matthias Chang mendesak ahli-ahli UMNO berhimpun di Ibu Pejabat UMNO di PWTC dan tidak meninggalkan premis hingga Pak Lah mengundur.
Kali ini satu SMS yang dikatakan dihantar oleh Tan Sri Sanusi Junid pula mengumumkan satu rapat raksaksa akan diadakan dan ia mengajak orang-orang Melayu menuntut Pak Lah mengundur. Desakan ini mungkin timbul dari kata-kata bahawa Abdullah masih enggan mengundur.
Sejak dari Mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi UMNO minggu lepas, desakan menuntut mengundur dari hampir semua ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO begitu jelas dan terang, melainkan dua tiga orang sahaja. Abdullah telah bersedia menyatakan masanya dan dijangka ianya adalah sebelum Oktober 9hb.
Dari maklumat terbaru yang diterima, Pak Lah dikatakan sudah bertukar fikiran. Dato Ahmad Talib dalam blognya, Pahit Manis pada tengah malam tadi memberitahu terdapat usaha yang diketuai oleh Dato Tengku Adnan, Setiausaha Agong UMNO bersama seorang Ketua Perhubungan Negeri dan seorang ahli Majlis Tertinggi yang telah mendesak Pak Lah mempertahankan jawatannya.
Blog Cuit Sikit mendedahkan Setiausaha Politiknya, Dato Che Alwi dari Ketereh, Ketua Unit Polisi, Dato Zaki Zahid dan anak menantu Khairy Jamaluddin meyakinkannya bahawa seramai 100 pencalunan Bahagian boleh diperolehi.
Untuk bertanding jawatan Presiden UMNO untuk bulan Disember ini, calun perlu memperolehi 58 pencalunan Bahagian. Kuota ini pencalunan yang diperkenalkan semasa zmaan Tun Dr Mahathir menyandang Presiden telah dikecam dan dituntut supaya dihapuskan kerana ia mengekang demokrasi dan menjadi punca suasana takut dalam parti UMNO.
Pihak media perdana yang dikuasai Tingkat 4 masih berusaha untuk menyelamatkan keadaaan dengan putarbelitnya. Paling ketara adalah laporan muka depan Utusan Malaysia hari ini yang menyatakan Tan Sri Muhammad Muhamamd Taib menafikan tekanan MT menuntut undur. Malah diselit pembohongan menyatakan peralihan kuasa 2010 masih kekal.
Blog Cuit Sikit menyatakan Muhammad Taib tidak mendapat sokongan Bahagian di Selangor. Dari 22 Bahagian, 19 Bahagian UMNO di Selangor memutuskan untuk mencalonkan calon lain dari Pak Lah bagi jawatan Presiden UMNO.
Sementara itu, Dato Mukhriz Mahathir dalam satu Majlis Berbuka Puasa di Johor Baru mengingatkan perlunya "Berani Berubah" untuk memastikan UMNO masih releven dengan menghadapi cabaran masakini untuk terus memerintah.
Beliau menuntut Abdullah mengundurkan diri segera. Katanya, Abdullah perlu menerima hakikat yang ahli-ahli akar umbi Umno mahukan perubahan dan kepimpinan perlu diserahkan kepada Timbalan Presiden, Datuk Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Constitutional Means to Change Government II
"A piece of paper with 112 names is not enough. Anyone can write their names. It has to be on the floor of the house.
And, under Article 43 of the Constitution, the PM has two options once Parliament approves a motion of no confidence against him. He can either step down or advise the Agong for a dissolution of the Dewan. He has got those choices.
However, the King can say no to the dissolution of Parliament under Article 40a (2) (b). Then, in this case, the PM will have to step down." - Prof. Shad Faruqi, The Sun, Oct 20th, 2008
He can go to the Istana and have a nice cup of tea but it's not that easy for Anwar, even is he has already 31 BN MPs crossovered.
This blogger realised this constitutional possibility and wrote as early as May 20th, yes it was two month after the GE12. In The Agong’s Constitutional Power to Remove PM, to counter a pamphlet trying to misinform the MPs to discourage any crossover to change the Government.
In Constitutional Means to Change Government yesterday, Prof Aziz Bari felt it could be done if not for Abdullah's unconstitutional refusal to call for an Emergency Session on Tuesday, September 23rd next week. He further questioned some constitutional inconsistencies.
Professor Shad Faruqi view differently. It cannot be done. His view tend to be similar with the stand by Government and those mysterious letters stuffed in the BN Parliamentarian letterboxes in May this year.
Read his interview with The Sun today reproduced below:
The Sun, Saturday 20th, 2008
Easier said than done
by Husna Yusop
OPPOSITION leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim told a news conference on Tuesday that more than 31 Barisan MPs have agreed to cross over to Pakatan Rakyat. However, he refused to reveal the names of the MPs. Anwar said he was committed to ensuring the takeover of government was constitutional.
Is taking over a government and forming a new government that easy? What is the process prescribed in the Federal Constitution? The Sun talked to constitutional law expert Prof Dr Shad Saleem Faruqi to seek the answers.
Once 30 or 31 MPs from BN cross over, PR forms the next government. Is it that simple?
Shad: It’s not that simple. Because, under the Constitution, the Agong cannot dismiss the prime minister, the Parliament must dismiss the PM. And at the moment, the Dewan is not in session. If there is a vote of no confidence on the PM, it must be in the Dewan.
A clear case is the Stephen Kalong Ningkan vs Tun Abang Haji Openg & Tawi Sli 1967. The court said once the chief minister is appointed, the governor cannot dismiss him unless the assembly passes a vote of no confidence. At that time, there was a stalemate between Sarawak CM (Stephen Kalong Ningkan) on the one side and the assembly and the governor (Abang) on the other.
So, Anwar cannot just march to the King and demand to be sworn in as the new PM as he has got the numbers? Is the King bound by the law to swear Anwar in as the PM?
Yes, Anwar said they are going to the Istana. They are most welcome to the Istana; they can have nice tea there, I’m sure, but nothing more than that.
A piece of paper with 112 names is not enough. Anyone can write their names. It has to be on the floor of the house.
And, under Article 43 of the Constitution, the PM has two options once Parliament approves a motion of no confidence against him. He can either step down or advise the Agong for a dissolution of the Dewan. He has got those choices.
However, the King can say no to the dissolution of Parliament under Article 40a (2) (b). Then, in this case, the PM will have to step down.
When PR said they will take over the government in the nearest possible time, how soon would that be?
The Dewan is in prorogation now. It will only resume in October after Hari Raya. But the PM can postpone the Dewan sitting. He is entitled to keep the suspension. Without giving any reason. That is his discretion.
Under Article 55 (1), the Agong on the advice of the PM can allow six months to elapse between one sitting and another. So he may just do that. It is untenable, democratically speaking, but PM Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi can rest for another six months.
If Abdullah decided to postpone the Parliament for six months, what is the implication?
It would create a lot of problems. It would be legal but not morally proper. If he knew there were doubts about his administration, his government, he must call the assembly.
If Abdullah does not extend the prorogation and by Oct 13, PR has got enough numbers, can they form the new government immediately?
They can call for a motion of no confidence against the PM but the standing order of the Dewan is silent about this. There is no mention of vote of no confidence in the standing order. But there is mention of other motions.
So, what needs to be done is for the MPs to introduce some other motions. An MP, any MP, can introduce a motion. But then, it will have to be decided by the Speaker and he would first need enough number of MPs to support it, and then debate it, then only he will accept it.
What are the options available to the government to thwart this?
Legally, they can’t do anything unless the Agong decides to do something. If the PM says he does not want the Parliament to resume in October, he can advise the Agong on this. But, the Agong may not listen. He can do that. If he does that, it means he disregards his duty to listen to the Constitution (because the Agong should act on the advice of the PM). But what can you do? You can’t take the Agong to court. For instance, like in the case of the appointment of Terengganu Mentri Besar whereby the King, or rather the Sultan, had defied the advice of the PM.
So, their (BN government’s) best recourse is to try to work with the Agong, with the hope that the Agong will follow the Constitution.
If the government is properly elected to power, we must follow the rules. If a government is formed according to the law, it must be dismissed according to the law. And the law says, there must be a vote of no confidence.
What do you say of PR’s intention to hold fresh elections within six months to a year of it gaining control of Parliament?
First of all, they are not in power. So, this is all speculative. The government in power is still holding majority of the seats in the Dewan.
So, I do not want to speculate about that. Sivarasa’s statement was just meant to create uncertainty. (On Friday, the PKR vice-president said PR plans to call for an early general election if it comes into power to dispel worries its targeted takeover of the government might be undemocratic or unethical.) They need to have enough members first. They should have the numbers by now.
All parties have plans once they come to power. All parties have their own manifesto. Everyone is allowed to dream. That’s the basic need. But, the reality on the ground is, there is no clear evidence that the current government is losing its support in the parliament.
Anwar better work fast. Already he is a laughing stock and fast losing every bit of credibility left in him. He is beginning to sound desperate when denying he is not mad. He did not deny he lied, perhaps remaining hopeful that the prayers of synagogues and liberal muslims masjid are for his success.
What will he think off next?
Not only is the abandon ship call relevant to Abdullah's and Khairy's people. Another ship is running aground. Abandon ship for all those Anwar worshippers in PKR and the Erdogans in PAS.
Constitutional Means to Change Government

September 16th didn't happen. It's already 20th September now.
Anwar seemed to be putting a bold front with new sets of stories to delay the inevitable. He either continue as MP in shame or resign. Didn't he said to close circle in Permatang Pauh that he will resign if he is not PM by September 16th?
As of yesterday, sleepy's day can be counted by the fingers on our limbs. Any attempt to resist on his part will only add further shame. Didn't this blogger said he could be denied nominations? The quota rule he manipulated could be "senjata makan tuan" (a weapon taking on it's owner). He is for all intent purpose finish!
The next day SAPP announced withdrawing from BN but it's two MP is not joining PR. SAPP is split.
In his September 16th press conference, Anwar said he has the numbers to change Government but is not revealing to anyone other than to the PM in a four eyed meeting. He claimed he is seeking a peaceful transition. Failing which, he will do so through Constitutional means.
He has already demanded for an emergency session on September 23rd, 2008 but denied by Abdullah. Many see that Parliament will be in session on October 13th, thus no reason for the hurry. Abdullah claimed Anwar is in such hurry to avoid his court case.
The fact that he is seeking audience with the King deserves the benefit of the doubt. A little bird said he met the King in the same week Abdullah also had an audience with the King. It seemed the King already stated he will not give him the consent due to his pending court cases. But thats just birdie talk.
Constitutional expert, Professor Aziz Bari of the International Islamic University Malaysia Law Faculty wrote two worthy read article on the issues relating to the constitutional mammer to change government in Malaysiakini.com yesterday and today.
The king needs to intervene---------------------------
Abdul Aziz Bari Sep 18, 08 1:40pm
The way Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi responded to journalists' question on Anwar Ibrahim yesterday afternoon indicated that he actually treated the takeover threat posed by the opposition leader very seriously.
The night before Abdullah was reported to have said that Anwar's claim that the opposition had enough MPs to form the government was "mirage and dream" and that Anwar was just bluffing.
But less than 24 hours later Abdullah changed his tone: Anwar is now a threat to both the national security and the economy; something which alluded to the possibility of using the Internal Security Act to detain the opposition leader.
The government is obviously under siege. Apart from the Anwar threat, the ruling party is now grappling with internal power struggle. Given the way ministers view the use of ISA, it is hardly convincing to say that Abdullah is in full control of the cabinet.
It is not incorrect to say that we are now approaching crisis stage and in times like this we need something that perhaps appears to be somewhat extra-constitutional to handle the situation.
It is rather naïve to expect the ordinary way of doing things here. For one thing, the government appears to be panicking and as such no longer in a position to say, advise the Yang di-Pertuan Agong which, in common parlance, includes also the routine running of the administration.
It was curious to find that two days ago Abdullah met up with senior public servants; the secretary-generals of the government ministries who, under the constitution, are supposed to be neutral and loyal to the country.
A week ago, the armed forces chief General Abdul Aziz Zainal ruffled feathers when he told the government to act against those involved in creating tension between races in the country.
Apart from the unusual nature of the call, one knows that the main culprits were certain elements during the ruling party Umno itself: one of its divisional leader has been suspended from the party.
The only option
In any case, the call was not the only occasion whereby the normally apolitical armed forces crossed the line. Some months ago there was a joint exercise between the army and the police to deal with public unrest which provoked public outcry.
Unlike our neighbours such as Thailand and Indonesia, we do not have a constitutional court to turn to. We have the Federal Court that virtually plays that role. But for the past 51 years, it has never been called upon to adjudicate constitutional impasse before.
And unlike the Supreme Court of the United States - essentially the American constitutional court which has been called upon to decide on highly controversial issues such as abortion and affirmative actions - our Federal Court was ignored during the constitutional crises of 1983, 1988 and 1993.
Perhaps this has got something to do with the confidence and faith the people have in the credibility and ability of our top judges.
That leaves us with one option: going the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, the king, or the Conference of Rulers where all the nine rules sit to discuss, among others, federal matters.
And actually the king has some specific role and powers that can be used in the current situation. He may get some help from his nine brother rulers in conference which, the constitution says, may discuss anything it thinks fit.
The problem that we have now essentially revolves around the appointment of government which in the constitutional term, the appointment of the prime minister.
The constitution has put this duty on the king's shoulder: it is his discretion. In situations whereby it is clear-cut - that there is a majority with a clear leader - the king has no option but to appoint that leader as the prime minister and then take his advice on the formation of cabinet.
That situation can happen on several occasions. These include after the general elections, the death of the sitting prime minister and resignation.
Resignation can take place in various situations; such as the normal one like that of Dr Mahathir Mohamad in 2003 or when the House decided that it no longer support the head of government such as the one we saw in the resignation of Harun Idris as the mentri besar of Selangor in 1976 or that of Mohamed Nasir in Kelantan in 1977.
It is unfortunate that our constitution is silent on the matter. The only provision dealing with the issue is Article 43(4) which makes it mandatory for the prime minister, upon losing the support in the house, to resign.
What can the king do?
But the provision is silent on the question of censure, which is the normal way for the House to withdraw its support from the sitting premier. This has apparently been manipulated by the ruling Umno and Barisan Nasional.
Although they were behind the moves that took place in Sarawak in 1966 - ousting Chief Minister Stephen Kalong Ningkan - and Harun Idris in Selangor, they sing different tune this time around.
We have seen how the speaker of the present Dewan Rakyat - virtually appointed by Prime Minister Abdullah - did his best to thwart the attempt made by the Pakatan Rakyat to table the motion of confidence.
But law stands and whatever they have to say we need to follow the law as it is.
How does the king come to the picture in the present impasse? As a matter of law, the king has to act on the advice of the government. And thus, although the constitution does not say it, he must ensure that he has a government at all times.
And when there is a situation where there are questions and claims being about the fitness of the sitting government, the king should not just suit back and wait: he must move forward and take charge of the situation.
Apart from his constitutional duties, apparently, in our system now, there is no one else to do so. We cannot rely on the government for its legitimacy - some may say its legality - to stay in power is very much in question.
As a matter of protocol it might be improper for Anwar to go the palace now. As such, the king should send for him in order to furnish him with the list of MPs he has been claiming.
Of course, the king has every right to speak with MPs to ascertain the truth. This was indeed done by the Rulers of Selangor and Perlis in the aftermath of 12th general election last March.
Should the king find that the claim of Anwar - that he has got enough MPs to form the government - to be true then the king should tell Abdullah to tender his resignation.
As has been stated above, a prime minister who has lost the support of the House has a legal duty to resign together with his entire cabinet.
The original draft prepared by the Reid Commission contained a provision which empowered the king do dismiss such a premier but somehow was deleted in the final draft which now stands as our constitution.
But the king could still assert the power as it is obviously necessary to remove the clog that stands in the way of government appointment.
Suspending the constitution
In any case, the recalcitrant prime minister is no longer prime minister as he has lost the support: in other word, the king is just doing something to allow the constitution to function.
Article 43(4) of the Federal Constitution also talks about dissolution.
However one needs to read this provision in conjunction with Article 40(2)(b) which gives the king a discretion whether or not to grant a dissolution requested by the prime minister.
The Reid Commission recommended that there are reasons - given the experience of the Commonwealth - why the matter should be left for the king to decide.
One of the reasons was to prevent the country from being put on "dissolution diet" by a besieged government.
Coming back to present situation, it is constitutionally incorrect for the king to grant a dissolution to pave the way for another round of elections: we have just had one in March and that now there is a likelihood to form a government without going through another elections.
The possibility of invoking Article 150 which empowers the federal government with vast powers - virtually suspending the constitution - has been raised in some quarters.
It must be said that only the king can do so.
Although he has to act on the advice, government there are good reasons to argue that the general provision under Article 40(1) of the Federal Constitution admits exceptions: advice must be constitutional and that it does not have the implication that run counter to the notions of democracy and constitutionalism which stand at the very heart of the constitution.
Anwar's takeover - king or Parliament?
Abdul Aziz Bari Sep 19, 08 5:49pm
As expected Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has flatly rejected the request for a special meeting of the Dewan Rakyat made by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.
But this is not surprising as - despite the polite way the latter put it - the request was virtually asking Abdullah to put himself on the chopping block: two days before Anwar claimed that he had the numbers to take over the government.
What happened on Thursday revealed the problem with the formula; namely taking over the government through the vote of no-confidence on the floor of the house.
Of course this approach is both democratic and constitutional. But given the legal and political culture prevalent in this country, it is doubtful if this can take place.
From the point of view of state governing, Malaysia belongs to the Westminster category whereby the office of the head of state is separated from the head of government.
Although the former plays a largely symbolic role the holder may assume active role in relevant and critical circumstances.
It seems that the option preferred by Anwar was recommended by advisers close to the palace.
Sources told that they had some misgivings about Anwar going straight the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, the king, to get the permission to form the new government.
It was pretty obvious that they wanted to avoid the king from being dragged into the murky waters of politics.
The advisers have apparently ignored the guardianship role of the king; something that is common in all Westminster democracies.
And this is not only limited to kings or sultans: even in republics like India ceremonial head of states may assume some extraordinary powers in crisis situations. Indeed some allusions to such a role were also apparent in the Reid Commission Report.
However given that this is the first time we have a regime change at the federal level such apprehension was quite natural.
Petitioning the king
Be that as it may true to his maverick tag Anwar, in his press conference, did not discount the option of going straight to the palace.
Now that Prime Minister Abdullah has declined his request Anwar has thereby been put on a better footing with it: he now has a legitimate ground to petition direct to the king.
After all Anwar has virtually exhausted the means which would have avoided any involvement of the king.
As the law stands it is not clear whether to have the regime change through Parliament is the only way.
Indeed the wording of Article 43(4) of the Federal Constitution seems to suggest that it can be done outside Parliament; namely the majority group simply tells the Yang di-Pertuan Agong that they have withdrawn their support from the sitting government.
As the provision has made it mandatory upon the prime minister who has lost the support resigning, the king then can appoint an MP who enjoys the support of the majority in the house as the new prime minister.
That notwithstanding the practice of throughout the Commonwealth has consistently shown the manner by which the withdrawal of support is indicated; namely through the motion of no confidence or censure.
But as we have seen such was difficult to do here in Malaysia: Umno has been deploying all sorts of tricks to prevent the tabling of the motion, the most recent being the outright rejection by Abdullah.
The view which insists on the parliamentary approach seems to be oblivious to this.
In any case it is doubtful if the constitution really envisaged the sitting prime minister to have the final say over the summoning of Parliament as claimed by Speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia.
For one thing the premier is the head of the executive branch and to put the legislature under the control of the executive would run counter to the notion of separation of powers inherent in the system.
Apart from that, as we have seen, there would be situations whereby it involves the very survival of the government itself.
To fortify his position, the speaker cited a provision from the Standing Orders. But as matter of law, this provision is subservient to the constitution - the rules regulating the parliamentary procedures have been framed by virtue of Article 62(1) of the federal constitution.
An untenable proposition
The speaker was virtually saying that a law inferior to the constitution prevails over the supreme law. This is no a tenable proposition.
It appears that given the ideals of the constitution the king is the right authority to summon the emergency session.
And one may cite Article 55 for it is quite unthinkable to say that while he is allowed the power to prorogue or dissolve the house, he is not in a position to summon it.
Furthermore this is done with a view to install a truly responsible government as required by the constitution.
Given the position of the government on the matter, it could be argued that it could not impose its advice on the king.
Furthermore as a matter of law Article 40(1) is a general provision which may admit exceptions and the current political impasse seems to fall under this category.
Having gone through all these arguments, it is quite clear that whichever way, the king still need to play a major role.
But this is quite natural, for, occasionally the system has to rely on something extraordinary in order for it to function - the king, as it were, has to jumpstart the system which otherwise would not work or deliver.
Although the constitution is silent, we know that there were times when its operation ended in a cul-de-sac and failure to act on his part would tantamount to abdicating his duties.
As other public functionaries the king owes a duty to the taxpayers who borne the cost of maintaining the institution.
Anwar seems to have that in mind when he said that he did not rule out the possibility of going to king direct in order for him to form the new government.
Given the mechanics of Westminster system, it is actually not the end of the road for Abdullah. He can always challenge or even throw Anwar out of the government via the same manner: a vote of no confidence.
As such it is necessary for Abdullah to allow the system to function as it should be. As for Anwar since he has promised to uphold the constitution perhaps he could do that by putting in place some major changes such as allowing a free election for the speaker.
Those wanting to see this would want to have somebody from the opposition benches to preside the proceedings in the house. Without doubt this is one of the benchmarks of a first class Parliament.
Two approaches
From the legal standpoint, there is reason for the prevalence of the two approaches; namely forming government through the tabling of censure motion and the one to be done through the indication of support outside the house. It appears that both approaches can be accommodated within the framework of Article 43(4).
As was said above the first approach is the most ideal as it is more democratic.
This approach has its roots in the Stephen Kalong Ningkan case, a decision by the Kuching High Court in 1966.
But this can only happen in a political system that is open and democratic. And one wonders whether this can take place in Malaysia now.
We have seen how the Barisan Nasional government staged various maneuverings to avoid the motion.
Some of these, such as the threat to use the legal but somehow undemocratic Internal Security Act, are difficult to reconcile with the very ideals of the constitution.
The second approach is the result of literal reading of Article 43(4) together with Article 40(2)(a).
Obviously this - inspired by a Privy Council decision in Adegbenro case in 1966 - is more straightforward and faster than the first approach. Given all the undemocratic maneuverings this seems to be the more viable option.
But more importantly this approach would be able to pre-empt all the undemocratic attempts to resist regime change by the sitting government.
But the problem is that it very much dependant on the willingness of the king to take a more proactive role. As things stand this does not seem to be the case now.
Perhaps it is worth mentioning that some of the more stable democracies in Europe are monarchies. Meanwhile outside that continent we have seen how some monarchs took a leading role in restoring and strengthening their nascent democracies.
This is what happened in Spain, Thailand and to some extent, Jordan. It is not clear whether our monarchy would like to join the list.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Decommission Ship, Escorting Tugboat - Joceline - to Return

October 9th is the commencement of UMNO Division Meeting. But, if nothing happens before an earlier date set among the "pre-council" members, one can expect a heavy storm. And no ship will survive that storm. Not even the President of UMNO.
There won't be much news on yesterday's UMNO Supreme Council (MKT) meeting. But what's heard, it wasn't so nice, at least for Abdullah.
I bet this will the talk of the town. UMNO power transition to happen sooner.
The whole MKT rained down on Abdullah yesterday, said little bird. Not even, with all members receiving personally, latest book "Liwati, Bontoti, Al Liwati" from Syed Hussein Al Atas could humour them. Everyone except newly decorated Tan Sri Annuar Musa, seek his immediate resignation.
If not graciously pacified by Dato Seri Najib, who refrained from voicing his stance, the Meeting Chairman would have burst to tears.
Details is not heard yet but the bet is the issue of NST trying to stuff words of agreement and refusing any nominations yesterday into Najib's mouth is definately the match that lighted the bonfire.
Muhyiddin assertion and Najib's request for grassroots to determine power transition was already clear cut message and not to be ignored. But Abdullah took advantage of Malay's reluctance to "jatuhkan maruah" of others, particularly a leader, to try to wiggle a way out.
The takeover of the millitary portfolio and calling Anwar an economic and security threat was uncalled for. It sent jitters to the market.
Last night during launching his book "chedet.com Blogging To Unblog", Dr Mahathir felt the sedition charges on blogger Sheih Kickdefella and ISA detention on blogger Raja Petra and DAP MP and Assemblymen, Theresa Kok was not necessary.
He felt there was no prevailing tense situation. The MSC Bill of Guarantee ensure the world there would be no censorship of Internet. Writer, Syed Akbar currently being charge for sedition based on comment made on Malaysia Today was present at the launch.
Coming back to the MKT meeting, the whole UMNO MKT basically demanded Abdullah to leave before UMNO Division meeting began. To save his already publicly beaten face, MKT members have agreed not to make any comments and leave him to make the necessary announcement.
October 9th is the commencement of UMNO Division Meeting. But, if nothing happens before an earlier date set among the "pre-council" members, one can expect a heavy storm. And no ship will survive that storm. Not even the President of UMNO.
Talking about decommisioning of a ship and of late, this blogger have been talking about abandon ship, there will be many famous last words from the ship commanders and it's tugboat.
There is the de facto ship captain. Remember we will bury someone? Recently, it was no the need to change leadership to effect change. All that talk of burying and changing, it suddenly turned into a slogan for Setiakawan, meaning Friendship and Unity and to seek for continuity.
The joke of the day today is friendship he bought and unity is his illusion. Khairy wants continuity and tradition. What he actually want is for all the happening the last few years to remain and a non-existent tradition for the Naib Ketua Pemuda to win Ketua Pemuda unchallenged.
His appearance was so haggered on the day of his announcement. Notice the newspaper shows his picture with a lot of peopel in the background. It's reminiscing of Anwar's announcement to takeon Ghaffar.
Not sure he will around. Maybe he will stick around. Expect some dirty tricks to come. Calling all Pemuda UMNO. Insist all voting at the Pemuda UMNO Division Meeting is done on secret ballots.
There will be many tugboats returning. Kalimullah does not need a new job, he plundered much already. Fox Communication and it's web endeavour, Malaysia Insider will be reporting mainstream from now on. Kalimullah and Brendan Periera will be outside.
And off course, Joceline Tan ... she had her last word of defense for the due to decommision ship.
The Star Online, Friday September 19, 2008
Dr M: No justification for arrest of bloggers, Teresa
PUTRAJAYA: There is no justification for the arrest of bloggers Raja Petra Kamarudin and Syed Azidi Syed Abdul Aziz, better known as Kickdefella, and Seputeh MP Teresa Kok, said Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
The former prime minister condemned the use of the Internal Security Act (ISA) against Raja Petra, who is the editor of controversial online news portal Malaysia Today, and Kok, a Selangor executive councillor and Seputeh MP.
Syed Azidi was detained for sedition on Wednesday for posting allegedly seditious statements in his blog.
Dr Mahathir said Kok’s arrest was not justified as there was no security reason at the moment but the Government could arrest her later for such a purpose if necessary.
He said if Kok was involved in trying to stop the azan (call for prayers), there should be an explanation that the subject was not something she should talk about.
Asked if he would agree for the ISA to be amended, he said there was no amendment during his time as the people who were enforcing it refused to amend it.
He said this to reporters after launching his book chedet.com Blogging to unblock at the Perdana Leadership Foundation here yesterday.
On him rejoining Umno, Dr Mahathir said he would wait for the right time to submit his application.
September 18, 2008
'I Will Decide Whether To Contest Or Otherwise', Says Abdullah
KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 18 (Bernama) -- Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said today that whatever decision concerning his position as Umno president and the transition of power will be made by him personally.
The Prime Minister said whatever changes would be discussed together with his deputy, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
"Because the (divisional) meetings have not started, and whatever things that I need to do, whatever action that I will take, it's all up to me.
"I will talk to (Deputy Prime Minister) Datuk Seri Najib (Tun Razak), there's no need to repeat," he told reporters after chairing the Umno Supreme Council meeting here.
Abdullah was asked whether he would defend his position this time around as the Umno divisional meetings would begin soon.
The Prime Minister reiterated that whatever changes that might be made in the process of power transition would be discussed with Najib and the decision would be forwarded to the Supreme Council.
Abdullah also said that the power transition was not explained again at the Supreme Council meeting today.
"I did not explain again. I just said that I'm aware, I'm putting my ears close to the ground," he said.
Yesterday, Abdullah was reported as saying that although he and Najib were committed to the power transition planned for 2010, his retirement could take place earlier than that.
Bernama September 19, 2008
Muhyiddin Explains Stand To Umno's Supreme Council
KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 18 (Bernama) -- Umno vice Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has explained his stand on the leadership transition in the party to Umno's Supreme Council (MT), which met here Thursday.
"I took the opportunity to explain remarks I made in Singapore about the plan, which I have consistently maintained since it was first mooted.
"Thankfully, the president (Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi) accepted it and none of my colleagues criticised me over the remarks although some had stated their reservations about it earlier," he told reporters when approached after the meeting.
Muhyiddin, who is also International Trade and Industry Minister, said his call to the Prime Minister to expedite the leadership transition was made in the interest of the party to ensure it was on a sound footing to face the next general election.
On the leadership transition process between Abdullah and Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, Muhyiddin said he left it to them to work it out.
"No specific date, we just gave our views and that of the grassroots who want it to be done as soon as possible. We gave space to the president to discuss it with Najib," he said.
The Star Online Friday September 19, 2008
Divisions get to heal division
Analysis by JOCELINE TAN
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s new finance portfolio is part of the 2010 handover of power plan but the Umno divisions will still have the final say on the transition.
A HOST of conspiracy theories have sprung up over the mutual exchange of portfolios between the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister.
The most intriguing one is that Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s new finance portfolio is “a pacifier” and “a carrot,” in view of the potential challenge for the Umno presidency.
Many, including those around the Prime Minister, could not figure out why Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi would want to give up such a powerful ministry to his deputy. Logically speaking, one does not empower the person who may soon be challenging you for the top post.
As such, when Abdullah left the packed press conference after announcing the appointments, his political secretary Datuk Alwi Che Ahmad looked closely at his face for clues.
But Alwi ended up even more puzzled because, as he recalled, “my boss was smiling away”.
Unfortunately, for all lovers of conspiracy theories out there, the appointment of Najib as the new Finance Minister I has nothing to do with plots or schemes. It is simply part of the transition of power plan.
There will be more transfers of responsibility to Najib in the months ahead and this new portfolio is seen as essential in preparing him for the big job.
“The DPM has been in government since his twenties. He does not need to be trained but we understand that this portfolio will give him added exposure to the world of finance and economics,” said Alwi.
Popularity alone is not sufficient for political leadership in this time and age.
The leader of any country must also have an understanding of monetary and fiscal policy, capital markets and financial institutions.
As Abdullah indicated, Najib, in his forthcoming trip to New York for the United Nations assembly will also be meeting fund managers and investors in his new capacity as Finance Minister I.
“Pak Lah is very sincere about the transition. He is aware that some of Datuk Najib’s supporters were not convinced about the transition. This proves his sincerity and the sincerity should be reciprocated,” said Alwi.
Abdullah’s reasoning is that Najib will take over as Prime Minister in 2010 or if need be, even earlier.
And when Najib takes over, he would want the assurance of his own mandate, which means that he may not wait till 2012 to call for a general election.
Given that, he would need time to build up confidence in his leadership especially in his ability to manage the economy.
“The PM is giving him the chance to prove himself and Datuk Seri Najib will table the next Budget as the future Prime Minister.
“People will have a better idea of his economic outlook and the kind of policies to expect when he takes over. Then he can go to the people and win their approval,” said Deputy Home Minister Datuk Wan Farid Wan Salleh.
The question on everyone’s lips is whether Najib is still sticking to the 2010 transition plan that was announced in July.
There has been a lot of confusion caused by conflicting reports so much so that Najib’s supporters had to send out SMSes to Umno members to correct the perception.
But the situation is quite simple. As of now, Najib stands by the 2010 transition plan. But he also stands by his statement that he will leave the final decision to delegates attending the Umno divisional AGMs which begin next month.
A total of 191 Umno divisions will meet from Oct 9 to Nov 9 during which they will nominate their choice of candidates for the posts of president and deputy president downwards.
The leadership transition has gone beyond just what the two top leaders want to what the Umno grassroots really want.
Besides, the leadership transition deal struck between Abdullah and Najib was not widely accepted from the start.
It took the Permatang Pauh by-election and a series of political incidents that followed before Najib was compelled to make the difficult decision of putting the transition plan in the hands of the party grassroots.
If the majority of Umno divisions want Abdullah and Najib to continue as the party president and deputy president, he would willingly accept that.
But if they preferred him to move up to the No 1 slot, he would also have to consider that.
On Tuesday night, Najib’s Putrajaya residence overflowed with guests who had flocked to his buka puasa gathering.
Some were invited; others invited themselves. There was enough food and drinks but there were simply not enough seats and some of the guests had to adjourn to the restaurant down the road for dinner.
But many of those who lined up to say hello to the host assured him that he had done the right thing by going back to the party grassroots.
The Star Online Thursday September 18, 2008
PM stands firm: I’ll decide on transition
KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi stood firm, saying he would decide when to hand over power to his deputy, but a number of supreme council members said the understanding was for the transition to be sooner than later.
The Umno president said he was aware of the sentiments of the grassroots and was keeping his ears close to the ground.
“I am paying heed to what is happening and the current situation. And whatever decision I make, I will discuss it with Datuk Seri Najib (Tun Razak) and then bring it up to the Umno supreme council,” he said Thursday at a press conference after chairing a council meeting.
Abdullah reiterated that he would contest for the Umno presidency in the December party elections.
He stressed that he had already made that clear at a press conference the previous day, noting that Umno divisions have not started their meetings yet and as the (country’s) leader he would continue to implement what was needed.
“And if I want to make another statement (on the transition at a later date), that’s up to me. I will discuss it with Najib. There is no need to keep asking about it like as if you don’t understand,” he said.
Abdullah is to hand over the Prime Minister’s post and Umno presidency to Najib in June, 2010. On Wednesday however, he said it could possibly be sooner.
That same day, Mubarak -- the association of former Barisan Members of Parliament (MPs) and assemblymen -- had called on the Prime Minister to step down as soon as possible and no later than Dec 16 this year.
Abdullah dismissed this call from the veterans’ association, saying “It’s alright. Let them say whatever. They are pensioners after all.”
Sooner, not later
Speaking to reporters after the Prime Minister’s press conference, Umno vice-president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and information chief Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib said the issue of transition was discussed at length at the council meeting.
They said the council members did not propose a specific date but want it made as soon as possible.
“Many of us in the council voiced the views and feelings of the grassroots that want the transition to be done as quickly as possible, but we will give him room to discuss this with Najib,” said Muhyiddin.
Muhyiddin, who had recently called for an earlier transition, said his explanation as to why he had criticised Abdullah over the transition plan was well received by the Prime Minister.
“None of my colleagues criticised me either,” he said.
Muhyiddin said he had voiced out his views with good intentions and with no ulterior motive.
“We have to take the members sentiments into consideration so that when we face the next election, we can defend ourselves,” he said.
Muhyiddin added he would leave it up to Abdullah to discuss what would come next with Najib.
Muhammad Taib said some supreme council members voiced their views on the possibility of having the power transition plan brought forward.
“That’s normal. As the Prime Minister said, probably it could be done sooner. It will be left for the Prime Minister to discuss it with the Deputy Prime Minister,” he added.
Another supreme council member Datuk Seri Khaled Nordin said the views in the council were very balanced and Abdullah was very calm when he listened to them.
“It’s not just a question of leadership but more of the party, the transformation, the direction, the unity at all levels,” he said.
He said Abdullah stressed that there would be flexibility in the period of the transition.
“What we decided before is the year 2010 but with flexibility it just means something before that,” he said, adding that he believed that Abdullah would contest the presidency.
Abdullah also that four members would be sacked from Umno for supporting the Opposition during the March general election.
“One is from Beluran and another three from Beaufort. Letters will be sent out to these members. Appropriate action will be taken against them,” he said.
Umno secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said the members would be dismissed because they became candidates contesting under the Opposition banner.
My Say
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