Friday, October 17, 2008

TERKINI Mukhriz 44:22:14:1; Di mana ada penipuan, Khairy/Reezal ada pencalunan

Perwakilan Rantau Panjang tidak puashati dengan kehadhiran perwakilan hantu

Terkini, Khairy memperolehi pencalunan dari Kuala Terengganu, dan Rantau Panjang.

Pencalunan di Rantau Panjang dimenangi dengan cara perwakilan hantu. Pada mula mesyuarat, perwakilan telah mempersoalkan kehadhiran perwakilan hantu dari jumlah perwakilan sebanyak 461 orang.

Pengerusi Tetap Pemuda UMNO Bahagian masih berdegil untuk meneruskan. Keadaan menjadi kecoh hingga memerlukan khidmat polis LSU untuk meleraikan pergaduhan.

Bahagian Rantau Panjang adalah bahagian yang mana berlaku penggantungan beberapa pemegang jawatan oleh Jawatankuasa Disiplin untuk membolehkan Ketua Bahagian pilihan orang tertentu menang tanpa bertanding.

Khairy memperolehi pencaluna untuk Ketua Pemuda dan "Ustaz" Reezal untuk Naib Ketua Pemuda.

Dilaporkan di Semporna Sabah minggu lalu, sumber Forum MyKMu menyatakan berlaku kertas undi melebihi dari jumlah perwakilan.

Sumber yang sama melaporkan Bahagian Kuala Nerus menangguhkan mesyuarat kerana Dato Nasir Ibrahim Fikri, yang dikenali sebagai proxy Khairy, menghadapi masaalah mendapatkan pencalunan dari akarumbi.

Adakah akan berlaku perwakilan hantu dan penipuan kertas undi di Kuala Nerus nanti?

Sementara itu, masih ada lagi usaha-usaha media perdana untuk menipu pembaca untuk memberi bayangan Khairy sedang mengejar.

Khairy dilaporkan dalam laporan The Star pukul 3 petang sebagai sudah meningkatkan pencalunan kepada 22 tetapi Mukhriz dikekalkan pada 40. Padahal menerima pencalunan ke 41 dari Merbok malam tadi.


Friday October 17, 2008 MYT 3:34:00 PM

Umno youth chief race: Khairy needs 16 more nominations

KUALA LUMPUR: As of 3pm on Friday, Umno Youth chief aspirant Khairy Jamaluddin picked up another nomination bringing his total to 22.

He received his latest nomination from Rantau Panjang division which met earlier on Friday.

Khairy who is the Umno Youth deputy chief and son-in-law of the Prime Minister needs another 16 nominations to qualify to contest the party Youth’s one number one.

His main challenger, Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir, the son of former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, is already eligible to contest the Umno Youth chief post with 41 nominations as of 3pm.

Candidates need to secure a minimum of 38 nominations from the 191 division in order to be able to contest the seat. Former Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Khir Toyo who is trailing, secured his 14th nomination for the post from the PJ Selatan division.

The fourth aspirant Datuk Zahidi Zainul Abidin still has only one nomination.


The Star, Friday October 17, 2008

Ruckus at Rantau Panjang Youth meeting


RANTAU PANJANG: The Rantau Panjang Umno division’s Youth delegates meeting turned chaotic Friday forcing the police to deploy a light strikeforce unit (LSU) to calm down the delegates who became hostile.

The unit from the Pasir Mas district police contingent promptly arrived and its presence restored order but still some Umno members remained defiant and stormed out of the meeting.

The wing’s permanent chairman Che Nordin Ibrahim ruled for the meeting to resume although there were some protests. Almost all of the 461 delegates from 144 branches were standing and exchanging barbs for several minutes until the police arrived.

The chaos erupted around 10am when Che Nordin was just beginning the meeting at SK Sri Kiambang here. Moments later, a delegate Suhaimi Che Hussin from the Taman Seri branch rose and questioned the number of delegates present, claiming that there exists phantom delegates among the 461 present.

“The number is not valid and there exists phantom voters. The meeting should be postponed untill all protests are settled by a neutral committee helmed by the state Umno liaison election steering and monitoring officials,” Suhaimi said.

The division’s Youth head Mohd Afandi Yusoff who was re-elected because his challenger was suspended by the Umno Disciplinary Board, said the protests were already resolved by the election steering committee. This resulted in a ruckus until the police were called in and the meeting resumed later amid a tense environment.

Outside, Mohd Affandi claimed that he was aware of an effort to cause provocation in the meeting for the past month but since the go-ahead was given to hold the meeting, they decided to proceed. He was re-elected after his challenger Fauzi Omar was suspended for three years by the disciplinary board.

The provocation likely occurred as some delegates were unhappy that three of its division leaders besides Fauzi were suspended.

The others suspended for three years on grounds of political sabotage are division head Datuk Mohd Zain Ismail, treasurer Ghazali Ismail and Rantau Panjang Umno division Wanita head Pauziah Che Wook.

Mohd Affandi denied that he was involved in the suspension of the four. The delegates later nominated Khairy Jamaluddin for the Umno Youth head post and Datuk Reeza Merican Naina Merican for the vice-head post.

* Update: 8:53 pm


Che Moq™ said...

Biasa la..KJ pun kaki tipu dari kecik lagi..nanti dah cukup pencalonan tipu lak pemilihan MAC 2009 nanti..Kata Mukhriz perabis RM10 juta pejadah nak dapat pencalonan..kejap kata sampul RM250, kejap Rm500, kejap Rm1000...tu semua dia yang buat..siap tau jumlah tu...buksn rakyat malaysia bodoh...kepada bahagian pantai timur..teruskanlah makan duit haram KJ tu..

Anonymous said...

Mintak maaf..Keputusan utk Semporna masih belum diputuskan lagi. Masih di peringkat rujukan UMNO Sabah.


Anonymous said...

senang betui nak 'beli' puak pantai timur nie ?

awang oooooi! ambik jer sampul tu..tapi undi la kat pemimpin tulen, bukan-nyo siamang jadian tu.

jangan duk jual diri awang oooi, nanti anak bini makan berdiri, tidur sendiri.

kopok gentel

Anonymous said...

jgn jadi bangang lah, kau ingat semua tempat yg kontrversi tu mencalonkan kj? macam mane citer kt kimanis sabah? di mana penyokong kj membuat bantahan sbb antara 45 hingga 50 penyokong dihalang untuk masuk semula ke Dewan? sape yg menang kt situ? bukan mukhinzir ke? yg paling latest, kat padang terap, khir tiyo bengang kene sabotaj kat padang terap, sape yg menang kat situ? bukan mukhinzir ke? kalau dah bapak dia tu bapak lanun, jangan citer pasal tak main duit la bro, siapa dibelakang mukhinzir? kau ingat mahathir dgn anak beranak dia nih takde duit ke? pesanan terakhir aku kpd penyokong2 mukhinzir yg pecaya si mukhinzir nih bersih dr rasuah.... JGN JADI BANGANG! sekian terima kasih!

Anonymous said...

nak hantar komen pon nk kene approve ker? kalau berani bg kasik lepas la semua komen! jgn jadi bacul! time kaseyyyy!!!!

A Voice said...

azad 11:04 am

terima kasih dgn maklumat anda

kepala bapak kau

saya hanya censor dua comment saja - satu yg mendedahkan identitu saya - dua yg hanya terlalu banyak maki hamun tanpa isi kandung.

anda terlepas bas.

cuba banyak pasal kimanis. saya akui berlaku tutup pintu.

magrib di sabah masuk pukul 6, kenapa pukul 8 baru masuk mesyuarat?

kerja mukhriz atau kerja orang lain?

mengenai maki hamun itu semua... saya tak perlu jawab.

Ia hanya merosakkan reputasi anda berbicara. Jgn marah kalau org tak percaya maklumat dan saranan anda.

mengenai padang terap, saya boleh hubungi org2 khir toyo sendiri utk tahu cerita sebenar.

mereka tak ada maki hamun bila bercakap.

Che Moq™ said...

mungkin si "kapala bapak kau" ni dah teracun dengan kata KJ yang bangang tu "setia kawan". setia la kau kat KJ.dia Penyangak+Penyamun+Perompak KHAZANAH negara...bersih sgt ke KJ tu?bapak mentua dia yang "bersih sgt" sblm jd PM tu pn yang berjaya membuat ekonomi+perpaduan rakyat malaysia menjadi "JIGSAW PUZZLE PECAH" hancur...nak repair makan masa..

Anonymous said...

Tambah 2 lagi untuk Dato Mukriz,Bahagian Jerai DMM 135,KJ 29 dan Khir Toyo 56.
Naib Ketua Rezal Merican 23,YB Razali Ibrahim 139.

18 OKT 2008 JAM 2 PTG.

Anonymous said...

The race for UMNO youth leader is a spin-off of a TV program, Jejaka
Idama...They are racing to be the top pin-up for young girls' walls,
the top idola for teenage boys to emulate. Unfortunately, many
makciks and bini orang are also swept off by the contenders' good

Khairy beats everyone on pure good looks but he is losing because he
cant keep up with the attention....many autograph books remain
unsigned and requests for photos ala Anuar Zain - where you can peluk
if you want- cannot be met due to time constraints. His appearance at
IKEA Rompin caused a 16 hour traffic jam. But due to Malays'
intrinsic 'kaki merajuk' factor, 'tak layan, kami jalan' policy has
been adopted by many....causing the current lagging in the
nominations. But its rumoured he is coming out with a body
double hold on to your bets...

Mukhriz uses the IMPRESSION of good looks downloaded via iphone and
transmitted in 3-D on his erm follicly challenged plate. Nobody would
swoon at the look of him so a lot of work is needed. The same can be
said of the power required to generate the 3-D image of Cristián de
la Fuente of Dancing With the Stars USA fame, infront of Mukhriz's
face...Twice now, the power grid collapsed and pockets of villages in
Kedah went black-out...which lead to impromptu Zapin Ghalit
sessions, with Khairy's mask being worn by the guys...Yeap, forget
female Viagra or watever....just use Khairy's picture

The two top nominees will battle out in the next round in a few
challenges. The first is the Zapin dance off. Since Mukhriz is from
Kedah, he will be required to perform the Zapin Ghalit of course
while Khairy the Zapin Endang...which is a pity really.
With his dark and smoldering good looks, Khairy should be doing the
sexy and seductive Zapin Ghalit...Mukhriz is kaki bangku so, the
sitting position in Zapin Endang would surely help him. Lets see if
there is a rule change to attract more viewers...

Anonymous said...

kapala bapak kau! said...

Astaghfirullah...Jangan sesuka hati memaki atau menggunakan bahasa kesat. Gunakan akal secara nijaksana dan rasional bila memberi komen. Tak kira lah kau sebelah UMNO atau pembangkang. Tolong hormati orang lain yang turut sama memberi komen di sini. Ada yang tua dan ada yang muda, so, gunakan akal ketika memberi komen...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Sekali bace pu kite tahu tahap akal si "kepala bapak kau!...." barua KJ die ni...

My Say