Monday, September 09, 2024

UMNO need to retake the mantle of Malay leadership

For one, the Malay brand is no more the sole ownership of UMNO but that of many. 

So do the alternative Islamic branding, in which PAS has an oligopoly nearing a monopoly on conservatism and only left is a niche progressive Islamic segment to be shared with others.  

Despite remaining in government, UMNO has yet to set itself apart and be seen as holding the mantle of Malay leadership and the agenda setter it once was. 

It is not enough to talk of merely of Bumiputera empowerment or educate members on TVET initiatives or efforts of the various UMNO Ministers in their Ministries 

At the UMNO General Assembly, the discussion; ever since losing government in 2018 till the recent one, remained focus on politics, party matters, and conduct of its political affairs. 

It is still repeating and convincing the same explanations and matters arising since 2018 and 2022 GE15. Is the UMNO masses that blase?

The serious discusssion on the plight of the Malays or a more positive and inspirational approach of where to lead the Malays to are seriously missing.

If they prefer to talk less but let their deliverable do the talking, then UMNO could not be able to share its visionary outlook of the nation and world. 

In the meanwhile, they should not be shy to talk, articulate and take ownership of the Madani economics or humane economics vision which they play an integral role in Government. Instead the Ministers tone were defensive and still convincing sceptics. 

By right, they should be bold to discuss the challenges of the Malays in the current fast changing environment and lay out what the party view as the path ahead and action plans that the government could do. 

Urge on Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim for the betterment of the Malays.

Own initiatives

It does not potray UMNO well as the leaders of the Malay when at the time of UMNO General Assembly, Rafizi Ramli stole the limelight to announce Putera 35 and progressive wage, and Anwar announce new civil service pay package. 

Its not the first time UMNO evade a discourse on Malay economic empowerment to let Rafizi and EPU do the thinking and talking but hardly offered anything original or something to grasp and work on. 

Better still, rather than merely talk and desak-desak like Ibrahim Ali and Perkasa or other typical police report stunt NGOs or informal groups, UMNO undertake its own initiatives.

The future requires Malay to be more "berdikari" (standing on their own two feet)self starter, and resourceful. 

UMNO could tap on its vast pool of thinkers, professionals and expertise to part ways with the feudel dependent culture and think of an economic and social support ecology that encourage an independent and strong willed Malays to enable them to fish than depend on fish provided by feudel lords as in the past.   

Do the program and make it happen. 

That is one way UMNO could distinguish itself from government and regain back the confidence of the Malays.

Excerpt from Thick as a Brick's UMNO need to find its relevance

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