Monday, August 31, 2015
The Decline of Malaysian Chinese
By Cheah Sin Chong
Malaysian Chinese are in fast decline – no thanks to the persistent efforts of a devilish party the Democratic Action Party (DAP) in sowing seeds of hatred into the Chinese minds.
The DAP zombies, will of course jump up in rage and hurl profanities at me. Well, I am immune to their daily dose of poisons. One day these DAPigs will self implode with poisons.
The Malaysian Chinese are in fast decline because many of them, precisely the DAPigs do not have the ability to think rationally anymore. Many of them are themselves a product of pampered childhood and they continue this with their own children.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
With 80% Chinese presence, BERSIH 4.0 is meaningless
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Useful google to hide the slanted eyes |
Before anyone start attacking and calls us names or accused us as paid bloggers or on Datin Seri Rosmah or Dato Najib's payroll or even cybertrooper as some old friend whose unable to accept differing views name-called in our social media group this morning, take a moment to read first.
First and foremost, congrats to the organiser for being able to gather 22,000 people without any incidence. As much as we wish soldiers guarding Dataran Merdeka should have shot down these nuisance demonstraters, deep in our heart, we didn't want to see any bloodshed.
Our source, an expert at estimating crowd numbers unlike media spinning estimates, place it at that number but by 5:00, it is beginning to dwindle. It's only 5 hours, still long way from 34 hours and 50,000!
Though almost 99% DAP Chinese supporters turned up at the pre-Bersih gathering in Batu Pahat last week, the estimate puts DAP Chinese supporters at 80% with other races at 20%. Still, such an unprecedented high percentage of Chinese made the whole BERSIH 4.0 gathering meaningless.
As anticipated in our posting yesterday here, the objectives and messages of BERSIH 4.0 have no political or social value. A mere circus act.
Friday, August 28, 2015
BERSIH 4.0, typical Malay NGO and other circus acts
The circus should begin tomorrow 29th till 30th. On Monday, it is supposed to be the Merdeka celebration.
As per our posting yesterday here, this Bersih 4.0 is boring-ly the same ole cowdung. Maybe there is a slight difference with DAP taking a lead and Chinese are not mere spectators as indicative of the pre-Bersih 4.0 rally in Batu Pahat. However, there are still lots of predictable happenings and reactions.
Predictably, there are attempts to turn it into a spectre of May 13, 1969. There was that silat demonstration outside Sogo by an anti Bersih group. They threatened to gather a crowd of 30,000 for an anti-Bersih 4.0 rally to begin at Low Yat tomorrow.
All the silat and threat, but the latest heard they were advised by police to do it at a latter date. It is all quite predictable wayang similar to that by Pemuda UMNO and Perkasa in one past Bersih.
As expected, DAP jumped in to the retreating "threat" with their own reverse psychology circus act. DAP MPs was reported by TMI as claiming threatening flyers were found outside their headquarter.
Can't help but see all these politically motivated circus as almost typical of Malay NGO.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
RPK's call for vote of no confidence getting support ...
... but Kit Siang resorted to take it to the streets.
Raja Petra put up a posting early yesterday morning with a theory that Dato Najib have prepered himself for a vote of no confidence for the coming October parliamentary session.
According to his argument, RPK believed Najib is ready to face that possibility. After sacking Tan Sri Muhyiddin, Najib seems to be getting things his way in facing up Tun Dr Mahathir. He foresee Najib would have preferred it and may turn it to his advantage. [Read him here.]
Two days ago, Lim Kit Siang said in a press conference to reiterate DAP's stand for a no confidence vote and remind of IGP Tan Sri Khalid's statement that such a move is not a police security concern. [Read in TMI here].
Surprisingly this morning, quite a few notable pro-UMNO bloggers are supporting RPK's yet another conspiracy theory and DAP's call. Their motive is basically to challenge critics and opposition claim that Najib has lost support as a result of alleged scandals involving 1MDB and RM2.6 billion political donation.
It could also be calling on the opposition bluff but argued as better that than hitting the streets. But why is Kit Siang still insistence in resorting to the streets?
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
It's time Indians return to revive MIC
By Raghan Nair (e-Mail)
After months of bitter and rough rides, the tornado that hit the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) has finally subsided. The lies, misleads, U-turns and chaos has hit an abrupt halt.
Datuk Seri Dr. S. Subramaniam has won the presidential seat uncontested and is the 9th President of MIC.
At last, a professional will run the party and it’s the end of an era of gangsters and hooligan politics that have ruled Malaysia’s largest based Indian party previously under the leadership of Datuk Seri G. Palanivel.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Understanding power
Dato Najib was reported by Bernama as saying Malays will become "bangsat" (destitute) if UMNO loses power. TMI translated the "b" word as outcast.
The 1977 published Kamus Lengkap by Pustaka Zaman translate as crook; poor, destitute (person); bed-bugs; travel, roam". In the light of Penang's demolishing more Malay villages, the translation outcast has similar meaning to the word pariah if that is the message from the Edge group.
Big Dog pun a common motto into "Bersatu teguh, bercerai bangsat" to mean disunity will lead to disaster for the Malays. Life of Annie discuss her earlier posting which refers to crooks that lead other Malays to destitute.
The other part of Najib's statement on power is interesting to explore. It refers to power from the perspective of political power.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Arul vs Tony Pua: What is the limit to transparency?
After a short hiatus, Tony Pua emerged after Arul Kanda's TV3 interview to revive a past issue on 1MDB. He had previously accused Arul as lying. Now he seek explanation on the redeemed US$1.1 billion Cayman Fund and challenged him to a debate.
His intention is not to seek explanation but to accuse the Cayman Island fund has disappeared. And, the challenge for a debate is typical politician ploy, in which a corporate man with a task to do like Arul should not waste his time.
Arul replied to tell Tony Pua that he is recycling issues already answered. Tony Pua said it was not and resorted to a name calling "chicken challenge". Arul duly replied to indirectly described him as "monkey" living in a jungle without rules and order.
Essentially, Tony Pua's antic is what Transparency Initiative website here described as "accountability politics" which is "the arena of conflict over whether and how those in power are held publicly responsible for their decisions."
Accountability means ensuring that officials in public, private and voluntary sector organisations are answerable for their actions and that there is redress when duties and commitments are not met.
Part of accountability is the practise of transparency. It means "public officials, civil servants, managers and directors of companies and organisations and board trustees have a duty to act visibly, predictably and understandably to promote participation and accountability".
The bigger question to issues raised by Tony Pua is what is the limit of transparency or how much disclosure is allowable?
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
A Malay NGO rethink it's direction
Few months back, we came to the realisation that most Malay NGOs are in dire need of a re-think.
Most NGOs are basically platform for have been or wannabee politicians. Politics is necessary and part and parcel of activism, so some NGOs position themselves as pressure group.
If the view and stance taken are well thought out and sincere, it is fine.
The problem is most such NGO are not independent and in-depth in their position on issues. It is skewed to serve the interest of certain partisanship or political faction or even individual agenda.
Monday, August 17, 2015
What to expect this week?
It was quite an eventful week for the last week of Syawal.
There was 1MDB's Arul Kanda giving an interview on Thursday August 13th, after the sales of another plot of TRX land to Affin. His first TV interview was to give assurance that it's over-leveraged situation could be addressed within 6 months [Transcript here and here. Video here].
There was a bit of attempt to revive 1MDB as an issue but public attention is very much on the RM2.6 billion donation, and conspiracy to topple government.
Raja Petra Kamaruddin, who seemed to be having a good run these days, revealed some details of the conspiracy. He hinted of something big about to happen next week.
One guess could be MACC's plan to meet PM in their investigation of SRC as mentioned their press release [read TMI here]. This would attract attention since three key people in the SRC investigation have fled.
Another would be the case of Xavier Justo. There have not been much development and stories lately.
Friday, August 14, 2015
Anyone claiming to be currency experts are bullshiting!
Central Bank Governor, Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz appeared at a press conference yesterday to give a statement on many issues.
Most important issue was Bank Negara's position to not peg the ringgit or institute capital control in the light of weakening Malaysian ringgit [read MMO here].
Since ringgit returned to the old peg level of 3.80, there had been much attention to the declining ringgit that the public may not be concerned on 1MDB anymore. This week alone many articles generated in the mainstream and circulating in the social media [read The Star's Currency War on Wednesday].
The public is talking a lot on the currency market that suddenly everyone is an expert. With many Malaysian blaming the government, Goh Wei Liang wrote a posting with the cynical title Malaysians are now currency experts? in defense.
Goh is still polite because as a former currency trader, we would have told off these instant experts to stop bullshit-ing. And we have seen many.
Nobody can claim expert because no one can say with absolute confidence on what are the determinants of a currency value, let alone a "third currency" or minor currency like ringgit. Having lost RM16 billion, Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop would be the last to claim as expert.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Indecision and overkill of MACC
Unless new fact arise, one should never change course on a decision made. Sometimes it is better to make a wrong decision than the more crippling indecision. This is the lesson from the events involving MACC recently.This indecision's buggin' me
If you don't want me, set me free
Exactly whom I'm supposed to be
From Should I stay or should I goThe Clash (1982)
The 1MDB was not answered and explained with sufficient clarity and due process was only to begin in early August but someone diverted away from the low lying fruit.
While events after Hari Raya may have taken away public attention away, there will always be the likes of Tun Dr Mahathir to remind of 1MDB as he did in his latest posting here. Luckily, Arul Kanda did his part and is due to appear on TV3's Soal Jawab tonight at 11 PM.
The diversion by someone up there was to focus on Xavier Justo blackmail and leakage but indecision and overkill on MACC only made the public to focus on the RM2.6 billion fund allegedly deposited into Dato Najib's personal account.
The flip flop to stop the investigation on MACC and reverse the transfer in haste of two MACC Directors only put Najib in a bad light.
Monday, August 10, 2015
1MDB on course to reduce debt to manageable level
1MDB is on course to reduce their borrowing to a more manageable level with their latest announcement to sell 54,250 sq ft of TRX land for Affin Bank Berhad's future headquarter in the Kuala Lumpur Financial District.
Despite recycled accusation, it is understood that 1MDB intend to keep borrowing at the more manageable level of RM10-15 billion.
Just like Tabung Haji, there is a common Director between 1MDB and Affin Bank. 1MDB's Chairman, Tan Sri Lodin Wok Kamaruddin is a non-executive Director of Affin Bank and Cheif Executive of LTAT.
Hopefully there is no more headline chasing blog posting to accuse the deal as a bailout using the armed forces pension fund. Political oversimplification were made with inadequate understanding of property market.
The bad publicity created on Tabung Haji had scared local corporations and funds away while foreigners gobbled up land parcels for Stage 1 of the TRX. [Read Property Lifestyle here.]
Saturday, August 08, 2015
Sack him you could but not disgrace him
There was endless calls coming from Johoreans commenting on the political happenings in Johor arising from the sacking of Tan Sri Muhyiddin. So we decided to meet some at a halfway place out of town after prayers yesterday. This posting expressed those views.
Muhyiddin was in Johor last weekend and was invited as audience of His Highness the Sultan of Johor. There was no communique from the meeting and effort to nose around had been futile. nevertheless, there have been many developments from Johore since then.
Most interesting was RTM1 news coverage yesterday to Muhyiddin speech at Pagoh's UMNO Division meeting of the wings. He replied resignation calls by a certain division head of an opposition party within the state of Selangor by saying he will not resign.
There is no reason to do as he has never betrayed the party. However, there is every reasons of political and economic survival and expediency by the person calling his resignation.
Thursday, August 06, 2015
Oh I tried and I tried but I can't say goodbye
Feel so bad baby, oh it hurts me
When I think of how you love and desert me
I'm the broken-hearted toy you play with
You got me going, I need you baby
I can't let go and I want you baby
I gotta have all your love
I can't let go
Wednesday, August 05, 2015
Netizens' moving goal post and peril of ignoring
Since giving his frank view on political funding which basically shut DAP up from attacking Dato Najib on issue of the RM2.6 billion transfer into Dato Najib's personal account [read here], Dato Abdul Rahman Dahlan have been in the news ever so often.
Over the weekend, he said UMNO constitution provided for account under President's name [read The Star here]. Tuesday yesterday he said fund is safer in President's account [read The Star here]. It could wrongly imply Treasurer, Sec-Gen and Executive Secretary of UMNO cannot be relied on.
In the program Landskap on RTM 1 last night, Rahman Dahlan brush off PAS's Deputy President, Tuan Ibrahim series of questions as posing trivial questions [read Rakyat Post here].
He said opposition and critics including Netizens were changing goal post as they stop accusation of missing and stolen 1MDB fund and raise new issues by posing new sets of questions without apologising for earlier wrongful accusation.
Actually, he had mentioned the same points few days earlier [read The Star here].
Tuesday, August 04, 2015
Sky may have fell on Sofia Jane BUT ...
... she's not about to give up. Salleh is being set-up as new nasi kangkang victim!
Continuing from where we left Sofia Jane here and here, it is heard that Dato Ahmad Shabery Cheek called several UMNO elected reps for closed door meetings to get their opinion and feedback on the proposed amendments to the 17 years old Communication and Multimedia Act.
In one of the meetings, legally-trained Dato Azalina Md Said attended. COO aspirant, lady Sofia Jane or as the gossip along the corridor in this agency's building would refer her as #sj was also in attendance.
Azalina raised matter on the provisions incepted in the CMA. Sofia Jane was blasted right in her face for the deficiency in the interpretation of the CMA and inadequacy in execution.
For someone aspiring to be COO as the next step to CEO upon the amendment of the CMA to decouple the executive role of Chairman to reassign the role to a CEO, it was a shameful moment indeed.
Despite trained as a lawyer and is overall head for adminstration which include the legal team responsible for CMA, her incompetence was glaring.
The Malay has a saying, "Sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga". It is Murphy's Law of when something wants to go wrong, everything will go wrong.
Monday, August 03, 2015
Correcting misinformation to reduce trust deficit
The 1MDB enquiry by PAC and investigation took a back seat as soon as the Xavier Justo arrest in Bangkok grab attention away.
Subsequently, more information related to the arrest surfaced like tampering of leaked documents, secret meeting at Fullerton Hotel, Singapore and many other meetings involving Xavier Justo and Clara Rewcastle.
This led to the suspicion of leaks within the enforcement agencies in the Special Taskforce and investigation into conspiracy to topple the government.
Saturday, August 01, 2015
Of fake charge sheet, leaked video, and political funding
Sarawak Report attempt to ride on the viral video of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin at his home with a fake Charge Sheet backfired big time.
It took someone with the experience of having been charged in court before to tell this blogger that it is not a genuine charge sheet. Any Tom, Dick and Harry could draft, type and photograph such fake.
Yet again, it exposes SR's another wicked lie, spin and fact manipulation. It affirm their compulsive tampering tendency. Hopefully there will be more to begin realising something this blogger realised from the long years of monitoring of SR.
The official line from the Attorney General's office is that there are no such draft. [read Rockybru here]. With new AG giving the official position, there is no need for a former AG to give a statement.
MMO reported here that investigation is still on-going thus the notion of a charge sheet being drafted is preposterous.
The blog The Unspinners here highlighted that Ilham Perdana Sdn Bhd's Managing Director was remanded by police only on July 22nd, thus it is also preposterous there exist such charge sheet.
So much for SR's yet another lie.
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My Say
- The Decline of Malaysian Chinese
- With 80% Chinese presence, BERSIH 4.0 is meaningless
- BERSIH 4.0, typical Malay NGO and other circus acts
- RPK's call for vote of no confidence getting suppo...
- It's time Indians return to revive MIC
- Understanding power
- Arul vs Tony Pua: What is the limit to transparency?
- A Malay NGO rethink it's direction
- What to expect this week?
- Anyone claiming to be currency experts are bullshi...
- Indecision and overkill of MACC
- 1MDB on course to reduce debt to manageable level
- Sack him you could but not disgrace him
- MUSICAL INTERLUDE: I can't let go
- Netizens' moving goal post and peril of ignoring
- Sky may have fell on Sofia Jane BUT ...
- Correcting misinformation to reduce trust deficit
- Of fake charge sheet, leaked video, and political ...