Dr Mahathir has started blogging!
I was alerted of his blog Dr Mahathir Mohamad at http://www.chedet.com from a posting of Rocky Bru's here.
The first Malaysian blogger YB Jeff Ooi (though is in opposition DAP, is a great admirer of TDM) said in BUM 2007 (today is BUM 2008) that Dr Mahathir should have been a blogger for he has a lot of substantial things to say on a lot of matters.
This is to say that the blogosphere have long been awaiting for his arrival.
Dr Mahathir must be credited for changing the landscape of the Malaysian media. Subsequent to the mainstream media blackout of him following the Johor Bridge issue, he has resorted and effectively used the Internet portals and blogs to express his views. I have been proud to play my small role in supporting this struggle to correct the wrong of this administration.
It is the coverage provided for Dr Mahathir that catapulted portals like Malaysia Today, MyKMU, etc. into popular socio-political portal it is today.
Dr Mahathir should be credited for propelling blogs or citizen journalism into a powerful fast emerging media tool it is today. Bloggers have been part of his "accredited media" to provide an angle or details of news left out by mainstream media. This has indirectly check any abuse or manipulation of mainstream media.
Perdana Leadership Foundation had even organised a media-bloggers conference last year as an acknowledgement to this alternative media.
With the refuse-to-resign PM still resorting to the cheap tactic of hitting on his past to justify his presence, this existence of his blog is necessary to present the other side of the picture the mainstream media is trying to avoid presenting. His first posting is about the subject of Judicial Commission that I have also blogged on.
I am honoured to open a new category of blogroll called Statesman Blogger and he will naturally be the first entrant. He will be assured that Anwar Ibrahim will never make the cut.
Looking forward to read more from his blog.
Now everyone is a blogger. haha...
Hopefully Dr. M's blog will help Umno n BN build itself more instead of making the situation worse than it is.
Blogger world! Everyone is a blogger now.
Friday, May 2, 2008
What Abdullah Badawi Doesnt Want You To See.
And so the live telecast of the Dewan Rakyat proceedings are on again but under threat to have the plug pulled by our weak PM through his custodian - Sabery Cheek. Its not because of big foot or big monkey that he wants to cancel the show, after all BN has been abusing opposition members as soon as Abdullah Badawi helmed Malaysia. The only reason is because , PM doesnt want you, the Rakyat to have any doubts about how weak his government really is. In fact, the opposition is so strong that they took the Speaker to task when he protected Abdullah Badawi from added questions. Fiery Karpal and Lim Kit Siang actually have no respect for this PM and cocked their guns to blow him away with loaded questions in Parliament. Abdullah Badawi knew it was coming..
Well Mr. PM. You still feel you have support? With your so-called marginally less than two-thirds majority?
The Ninth Malaysia plan was a non-starter to begin with. Best you can do is cling on to power and abuse Malaysia's Father of Modernisation.
Posted by Mahathirism at Friday, May 02, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Dr M is tying to straighten up UMNO but Dolah is trying to wreck it.
WHo is worsening it? Those who are apoletic of PAk Lah like you are wworsening it.
I appreciate you cmments but yo are beginning to be such a cliche. You can't questions posed to you and refuse to response to responses but keep harping and repeating the same propaganda.
I am beginning to sense you are likely my assigned cybertrooper. If you are a cybertrooper, engage and exchange your thoughts with me, plse.
Otherwise publishing yr comments is a waste of time.
dear voice,
I don't get why it is so difficult for certain blog owners to accept the fact that there people who genuinely "support" pak lah. Is it so wrong to accept that everyone is entitled to view things differently than you do?
Worse is, you taking the predetermnined way of labelling me a CYBERTROOPER? Come on.... I'm a cybertrooper to my own feelings and it's sad to know that you cant accept that.
I hope you are not thinking so highly of yourself to believe that you're a somebody to be assigned a cybertrooper for.
I'm not waging a war with you voice, that is not my purpose of writing this, but please try to understand that people CAN be different from you.
voiz, sore ke?
How come you absented from BUM2008? I tapau some bestA tehtarik to go wit' fantastic lamb and you let me down. Okay, book Thee for BUM2009!
I too VVelcome ex-PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad to Blogswagon, VVe may disagree on many thigs, but I enjoy "bantering" with another wordsmith!:) Maybe he'll make Speaker sttatus at BUM2009?
-- Desi
Farzain - You said:
I'm not waging a war with you voice, that is not my purpose of writing this, but please try to understand that people CAN be different from you.
...Come on.... I'm a cybertrooper to my own feelings
Geez ... what is that?
Let me repeat what I commented earlier with the spelling corrections (damn this keyboard!):
I appreciate your comments but you are beginning to be such a cliche. I can't get answers to questions posed to you (corrected) and you refuse to response to responses. Yet you keep harping and repeating the same propaganda.
I am beginning to sense you are likely my assigned cybertrooper. If you are a cybertrooper, engage and exchange your thoughts with me, plse. (Just to prove I do not bloody hell care or scare)
Otherwise publishing yr comments is a waste of time.
Whats your beef?
So speak up dude. I hope intelligently and not those simplistic (which you admitted) one-liner cliche propaganda!
Lets celebrate the differences but jangan kasi malu UMNO dengan pandangan stereotaip. Bangun! Budaya intelligentsia sudah berubah!
Damn it, easier to deal with opposition, detrators and critics than sesama UMNO.
Desi - I left a note at your BUM2008 blog. Was on a Tour of Duty. Priority.
Next year perhaps.
Apart from the socialising, doubt I missed much. Nothing exciting with the list of speakers. Predictable. Chorusing.
Shd have brought over Shaberry when he is really keen now. He would have made time. Trust me.
Am sure you all are not scared of him. Bloggers got "balls"!
lol. i cant help reading the banter between the blog owner and this farzain. It's quite funnnny larh you both. Both of you have a point actually, but maybe voice you should try to accept also that some people just have a stand but no reason for it. SO i guess you cant force a person to give you a reason to like or support or believe in something. It's like believing in God you know,it's not meant to be questioned. Well, I guess thats the last we'll be seeing from that fella maybe? But anyway, sorry for intruding and not being relevant about the post.
Tks for dropping in. YOu are not intruding.
I appreciate your advise. Just that I can't stand cybertrooper or cybertrooper-like commentators.
Must admit my oftenly repeated mistake is to expect from people the same expectation of myself.
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