"Today the "transition plan" has degenerated into a joke. In the middle of a grave political crisis our leaders are engaged in a flip-flop dance over the precise meaning of this mysterious term. It is time we spoke plainly and stopped hiding behind fictitious language which everyone can see through. The abuse of language is too often a mask for the abuse of power." - Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah
The full press stament in full below:
Tuesday 16 September 2008
Statement to the Press on the latest announcement on the Transition Plan
I have always maintained that the "power transition plan" is undemocratic and contrary to Umno's Constitution. Party leadership is a democratic trust, not personal property to be handed on from one individual to another in the manner they please. There is no such thing as a "transition plan" in the party constitution because Umno is a democratic party, and democratic parties renew their leadership through elections, not by backroom appointments.
Today the "transition plan" has degenerated into a joke. In the middle of a grave political crisis our leaders are engaged in a flip-flop dance over the precise meaning of this mysterious term. It is time we spoke plainly and stopped hiding behind fictitious language which everyone can see through. The abuse of language is too often a mask for the abuse of power.
Either resign or stay on and govern. Either contest leadership positions through open elections or don't, and do please have the honour to come out and say so, either way. Those unable to face Umno's membership and the rakyat with plain words about their intentions might seem to be the wrong persons to provide the open, principled leadership that our country needs, and now needs desperately. Those who don't understand or respect things such as democratic process and constitutionality might seem to be the wrong persons to uphold the rule of law and respect for the Federal Constitution that are the first criterion of leadership.
YBM Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah
Member of Parliament
Gua Musang
surely he gonna say it's a joke.but what if Pak Lah himself offer him the seat of an UMNO vice-president and he's not gonna take it as a joke!
Ku Li,Muhyiddin and Mukhriz (and not to mention Dr.M) will always grab the oppotunity they have to make Pak Lah look bad and incompetent to the eyes of society.
Ku Li should not forget that he used to go against Dr.M and now he gain support from the leader that he used to diss.how ironic.
grabbing opportunity to make people bad is something unholy.
but i believe these people ku li, muhyidin, mukhriz, mahathir, are telling the fact that the current administrator is bad and indeed incompetent to lead the party, society, and nation.
forget about anwar. i had enough of him telling lies and creating chaos. he will go on and on making stuffs JUST TO create uncertainty.
but i believe there is something hidden over here. starting with portfolio changes.
and also the fact that anwar is made to be very vocal these days by i-dont-know-who-behind the medias.
maybe to get everyone rally behind the imcompetent one?
Betul2, kalau dalam keadaan sekarang memang dia cakap ni semua a joke. Kalau dapat dekat dia macam tu, mesti dia sapu terus tu. Takda joke dah, terus dia serius. Sekarang ni dia kecoh lah sebab takda apa2 lepas tu tak sabar sangat dah nak jawatan lagi tinggi tu, sendiri dah tua, masa dah tak lama, ni je masa yang dia ada, tu sampai jadi macm tu.
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