Omigod ... are they blind or still in-denial? That is no way to prep up the party. Reezal should batal his fasting and drink some strong hot coffee. He is hallucinating.
UMNO failed in four areas areas and that comes with the suggestions.
Self introspection
Firstly, take care of Malay interest. All it takes is to defend and practise Article 153.
Also, take care of the poor non-Bumiputera. Balance Bumiputera interest with that of the wealthy non-Bumiputeras. The rich Bumi tak payah nak tongkati. Sila berdikari!
Why leave it to Perkasa to defend Malay rights, then become jealous and typically resort to sabotaging of Perkasa? Pendengki babi punya perangai!
Even the opposition are campaigning UMNO does not take care of Malays anymore with the policies churned out by Government. Reezal must be a monyet from UIA to repeat without understanding.
No tolong sorok-sorok. Be transparent. Do we not have grounds to justify actions?
This leads to the imbecile, Khairy who seems to be pulled by the nose by MCA Youth leader, Wee Ka Siong? He is distancing the Malays from UMNO. For what? His stupid neo-liberal ideas?
Khairy is obviously sabotaging UMNO from inside. Is there no senior leaders dare to tell him to shut the fuck up or sack him from the party? Does the President, Deputy and Vice Presidents have any balls?
Second, rid of the party of corrupts. There is a long list and it should have been done last year. It is rather late to convince the rakyat and change the perception, but it is not too late.
Do a drastic change by say starting a fresh with new, talented, capable and untainted faces. Insya Allah, the rakyat will see.
The primary reason the rakyat is not yet returning support and vote to UMNO despite losing confidence with the ability of Pakatan Rakyat to govern this country.
High on the list of those that need to be buried in the graveyard of terminated politicians are Khairy, Nor Yakcop, Khaled Nordin, and all those tainted from the Abdullah years, including Reezal and Ku Nan themselves.
Khairy will change Parliament seating to Kepala Batas. So, Reezal can start quarelling with Khairy and kill each other. The laughs is on you. Pak Lah don't care for non family. You have been used by slumberjack!
Third, go back to the original struggle of the party. Read, understand and live out the struggle of the party in the bloody objectives in UMNO Constitution again.
Does it has your name? Does it say you are entitled to rewards for being in service and sacrifice for the party? Does it say the party owe any party members a life of comfort and pleasure for sacrifice to the party?
If you have answered No to all those questions, at least you are not dumb enough. Ak ak, no ... don't start any statement with Buts. But there shall be no buts.
If you do not have the interest and willing to sacrifice for the agama, bangsa dan negara foremost over youself, family and friends, then you have no business to be in UMNO.
To be a sucessful businessmen or contractors, be a full-time businessmen and contractors. Not be an UMNO members, hold position in party and then screw it up for your own self interest to accumulate wealth.
Ak ak ... still conjuring up excuses? Still no BUTS, idiot!
Fourth and last, UMNO must get their act in order. Change the party of dimwits.
UMNO needs a strategist and effective manager/administrator as Secretary General and Executive Secretary. Ku Nan is an operator and not a strategist. Dato Raof is an idiot and imbecile who is fleecing the party with over-priced command centre and spendings in by -elections.
There is then the need for an effective communicator and strategic thinking Information Chief. Due respect to the hardworking Dato Ahmad Maslan and his capability for winning the Piala Perdana for Sekolah Menengah Sains Kluang in mid-19802, but he is doing old school information dissemination.
It is not his business to personally give ceramah and tap rubber trees. Stop sending those stupid SMSes about your personal activities, unless it is relevant. I don't fucking care of what you do. I just want to know your gameplan.
Ahmad Maslan is supposed to strategise the political dissemination and propaganda. He should have taken the lead and assisted the role bloggers, Facebeookers, Tweeterers, and online forumers with researched materials.
UMNO needs a major revamp in outlook and stucture. Positions as elected state representatives, Ministers, State Assemblymens, and positions in companies, state or federal agencies should not be reward for positions in party.
It is high time there is a distinction between position in party and public position posts.
On the issue of money, UMNO should start to inculculate a different attitude to spending. Rid of attitude of lavishness and expectation of pomp and pageantry.
It is time for more sense of volunteerism as part of struggle. While those at the bottom sacrifice, there must be some sense of modesty and moderation on those at the top. It incites a sense of being used off.
Then there are those that start to demand money and this was how it started. The leaders showed bad examples!
An important point. UMNO must work closely and regularly with its BN component parties.
Why is it BN Council hardly meet? That is the reason other component parties felt UMNO is dominating by making all decisions at UMNO level without much discussion at BN level!
Perhaps UMNO is taking all the lead and responsibility. The other parties have to buck up.
This what Reezal Merican, Pemuda UMNO Information Chief spoke:
Peningkatan sokongan rakyat terutama golongan Melayu terhadap UMNO menyebabkan parti yang menjadi tunjang kepada Barisan Nasional (BN) itu menjadi bahan iri hati kepada parti pembangkang.Sounds hebat but bodoh. More below:
Ketua Penerangan Pemuda UMNO, Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican berkata, lantaran itu pelbagai fitnah dan kata-kata yang tidak masuk akal dilontarkan terhadap UMNO dalam usaha menanam kebencian berterusan di kalangan rakyat sheingga menjelangnya pilihan raya umum ke-13.
Justeru beliau menyifatkan kenyataan bahawa UMNO lemah dan semakin ditolak rakyat adalah satu kenyataan yang tidak boleh diterima akal kerana saban hari parti itu mendapat kepercayaan daripada rakyat atas komitmen dan kesungguhan DatukSeri Najib dalam menerajui kepimpinan negara.
“Dasar-dasar yang telah diperkenalkan dan yang sedang di dalam perancangan sudah pastinya mengambil kira kepentingan seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Baik Melayu, Cina, India dan kaum-kaum lain di negara ini sememstinya menjadi tumpuan kerajaan.
“Berbanding dengan pembangkang, mereka sehingga hari ini masih kabur dan lintang pukang hala tuju perjuangan serta dasar yang ingin diterapkan di dalam struktur pemerintahan. Satu pihak mahu laksanakan negara Islam, satu pihak lagi tidak mahu dan satu pihak lagi lain pula bunyi dasar perjuangan.
“Berbanding dengan pembangkang, mereka sehingga hari ini masih kabur dan lintang pukang hala tuju perjuangan serta dasar yang ingin diterapkan di dalam struktur pemerintahan. Satu pihak mahu laksanakan negara Islam, satu pihak lagi tidak mahu dan satu pihak lagi lain pula bunyi dasar perjuangan.
“Perkara-perkara pokok seummpa inilah yang dilihat menjadi punca pembangkang makin merundum dan BN khususnya UMNO terus mendapat kepercayaan rakyat. Cuba kita teroka pula di negeri yang dikuasi pembangkang. Pulau Pinang, Selangor, Kedah dan sebagainya. Difahamkan rakyat makin meluat dan tidak yakin dengan kepimpinan yang ada hari ini,” katanya kepada UMNO-Online, di siin, hari ini...
...Reezal seterusnya menambah, kepimpinan Istiqamah Datuk Seri Najib menyebabkan rakyat tanpa mengira latar belakang memberi kepercayaan dan pengharapan yang cukup tinggi kepada beliau untuk memacu negara ke tahap yang lebih cemerlang.Ku Nan had a little to comment:
“Walkbout, transformasi di dalam kerajaan, Model Baru Ekonomi, Rancangan Malaysia Ke-Sepuluh dan pelbagai dasar lain termasuk mengutamakan kepentingan rakyat dalam apa jua keadaan g dilihat menjadi daya penarik kepada peningkatan sokongan kepada UMNO dan BN hari ini.
“Justeru kepada mana-mana pihak yang terus memainkan cerita karut-marut ini, hentikanlah kerana ianya langsung tidak berfaedah sebaliknya menyerlahkan hakikat yang sebenar bahawa UMNO semakin kuat makin kuat dan tidak lesu sebaliknya terus bangkit mempertahankan serta merencana dengan lebih gemilang apa yang telah dikecapi hari ini,” katanya.
... menyanggah persepsi yang menyatakan UMNO kini sebuah parti lemah dan bukan lagi menjadi pilihan orang Melayu.Speak, but do not show your intellectually incapable by being "in-denial".
UMNO, tegas beliau, masih terus menjadi parti dominan dalam Barisan Nasional (BN) tetapi pada waktu yang sama tetap menjadi suara mutlak memperjuangkan kepentingan orang Melayu.
By the way Reezal pundek, the whole mess faced by the country and UMNO is because of your slumbering political mentor cum Ketua Bahagian Kepala Batas!
Bro, don't have too much hopes in them. Just get rid of them.
All these exposure are very good, keep the hammering, they know their days are numbered. Idiots have no place in this transparent cyberworld!
rezal & Ku Nan , possibly Najib too.
Pak Lah already in wonderland.
dream on - aerosmith
Every time that I look in the mirror
All these lines on my face getting clearer
The past is gone
It went by, like dusk to dawn
Isn't that the way
Everybody's got their dues in life to pay
Yeah, I know nobody knows
Where it comes and where it goes
I know it's everybody's sin
You got to lose to know how to win
Half my life
Is in books' written pages
Lived and learned from fools and
From sages
You know it's true
All the things come back to you
Sing with me, sing for the year
Sing for the laugh, sing for the tears
Sing with me, if it's just for today
Maybe tomorrow, the good lord will take you away, yeah
Yeah, sing with me, sing for the year
Sing for the laugh, sing for the tear
Sing with me, if it's just for today
Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away
Dream On Dream On Dream On
Dream until the dream come true
Dream On Dream On Dream On
Dream until your dream comes true
Dream On Dream On Dream On
Dream On Dream On
Dream On Dream On
Sing with me, sing for the year
Sing for the laugh, sing for the tear
Sing with me, if it's just for today
Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away
Sing with me, sing for the year
Sing for the laugh, sing for the tear
Sing with me, if it's just for today
Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away...
More lyrics: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/a/aerosmith/#share
Khairy is obviously sabotaging UMNO from inside. Is there no senior leaders dare to tell him to shut the fuck up or sack him from the party? Does the President, Deputy and Vice Presidents have any balls?'
I would not go so far as to say that Khairy is sabotaging UMNO but he and AAB obviously have the PM by the balls. In September 2008, Najib traded portfolios with AAB. Strangely even the opposition seem to have missed the great significance of this event. Why would AAB want to take over the Defence Ministry with only 6 months to go before he stepped down? AAB must have done so in order to dig up all the dirt on Najib. As he was still the PM then, I do not think there was anyone in the MOD who would dare to refuse AAB any files he wanted. Most damning of all must be AAB's possesion of indisputable video evidence linking Najib to Altantuya/the Scorpene submarines. Mahathir's claim in Jan 2010 that the 911 terrorist attacks were just CGI's like the film Avatar was not taken seriously on the international stage but Mahathir's target audience was not the international community but the Malays. For all of Mahathir's efforts to project himself as an international statesman, hidden is his local agenda to maintain control over the Malays. He needed to ‘dismiss’ the video evidence on the 911 attacks as a Western conspiracy for he must have found out to his dismay that Najib was not going to be a pliable PM in his hands because AAB have some very damming video evidence of Najib’s hanky panky related to Altantuya/the Scorpene submarines.
The opposition cannot be so dumb as to not have some inkling that Najib’s balls are in a vice operated by AAB and Khairy. I have yet to figure out why the opposition have yet to cut a deal with Khairy so as to hang Mahathir. Many do not like AAB but many more HATE Mamakthir. We all know Khairy if left with no choice would not hesitate to work with Anwar and this possibility scares the shit out of you Mahathirites. The opposition only needs to hang on long enough and wait for UMNO’s implosion. Meanwhile the 'Ketuanan' shrill becomes ever louder and scarier by the day.
Ha, another geng mamak. Kasi putaq satu alam.
when will najib kick out this geng mamak - KJ, NMY, Reezal and azeez rempit out of my sight.
Kalau Najib lebih pentingkan 1 Malaysia drp kepentingan org Melayu maka lebih baik UMNO dibubarkan supaya sebuah parti lain memperjuangkan kepentingan agama,bangsa dan negara bolih ditubuhkan.
Pilih pemimpin mesti ikut merit dan politik keturunan perlu dihapuskan kecuali benar2 berkebolihan.
Ramai orang Melayu yg berkelayakan dan bersemangat utk memimpin, maka sewajarnya mereka menjadi pilihan.
Tahap keupayaan kepimpinan Najib tidak akan dapat melindungi kepentingan Melayu masa akan datang.Beliau tidak mempunyai political will serta ketegasan utk memperjuangkan kepentingan Melayu.
Sejak menjadi PM banyak benteng kepentingan Melayu telah dibuka utk memenangi hati kaum lain,ini amat merbahaya kerana tidak mungkin Najib dapat memenuhi kehendak mereka utk meleraikan keistimewaan Melayu.
Semua tanggapan tentang semangat kemelayuan Najib nyata meleset.
Mr Brickwall,
You are spot on....these slumberjacks are always in the state of denial. i once was called for a meeting cum press conference on the pretext of helping Bumiputras facing problems with management of a prominent shopping centre in KL....yes, these slumberjacks showed their concerned and gave promises to assist....but only sweet talk lah,
and i concluded, they are only interested in the after-event i.e the press-conference for their own political mileage and publicity stunt....
Reezal, i spoke to you. You did nothing to help....in fact, you broke your sweet talk promises to help those Bumiputra retailers in dire need at that time. You are full of bull-shit.
Salam Voice
O boy, yuu have use the F--- word at least once in your post! kekeke
Well, better be careful because some rapper guy Nameewee-wee or whatever got hauled up and was interrogated by the polis for hours because of that F word in his youtube thing.
Just now in the primetime news DS Najib had threatened a crack-down on so-called irresponsible comments by the rakyat. The authorities and our politicl leaders are probably stung and angered by the many criticisms they found on the internet and especialy in blogs. And so they are now declaring war on unfettered speech. Sedih-lah as this will have a chilling effect on what bloggers write from now on and people will start to self-censor what they write.
i like this para "To be a sucessful businessmen or contractors, be a full-time businessmen and contractors. Not be an UMNO members, hold position in party and then screw it up for your own self interest to accumulate wealth." its true..really true..
i like this para "To be a sucessful businessmen or contractors, be a full-time businessmen and contractors. Not be an UMNO members, hold position in party and then screw it up for your own self interest to accumulate wealth." its true..really true..
the dream on aerosmith part is correct.all we need is people who are willing to work for the country again.without any hope or agenda.
Hot coffee bro! Cerita panas dari CEO NSTP Antony Bujang dah fed-up dgn geng Ahmad Talib dan Melayu Liberal (Zainul Ariffin, Rashid Yusof dan Syed Nazri). Antony lepas geram dalam satu mesyuarat yang NST tidak ada leadership sampai suratkhabar NST tak laku dan skrg menjunam bawah 90,000 naskah - paling teruk dalam sejarah Umno dan NST. Antony dah maklum Putrajaya tentang masalah NSTP dan dapat lampu hijau buat perubahan. Beberapa nama dicadangkan untuk ambil alih NSTP dan bantu Umno menang PRU-13.
Now that you learn some courtesy, let your comment through for this.
On your comment, you are just guessing, no facts.
You know nuts!
Without public position or business contract, UMNO will be good as dead as no one would want to hold any position in the party.
Thank you for your entry. I have also linked your post, HERE, Oh My God - They Are Still In Denial
A Voice & Anonimous 12:07 AM,
Talking about BBC & unfettered comments...
Just to share this...
Government warns Malaysian bloggers - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English -
Previous Awards 2007 - Public Affairs News
The winners were announced at the Public Affairs News Awards 2007 on 5 July at the .... Asia and the US has further marked a turning point...
www.publicaffairsnews.com/panawards/previousawards07 - Cached - Similar
Exclusive: U.S. Spies Buy Stake in Firm That Monitors Blogs ...
19 Oct 2009 ... Exclusive: U.S. Spies Buy Stake in Firm That Monitors Blogs, Tweets ... a tool can also be pointed inward, at domestic bloggers or tweeters. ...
www.wired.com/.../exclusive-us-spies-buy-stake-in-twitter-blog-monitoring-firm - Cached
APCO - Interceder: real time news feed
23 Aug 2010 ... APCO Worldwide is a global communication consultancy with 29 locations ...
interceder.net/list/APCO - Cached
The cat is out of the bag...they said it !
For Morons who have no clue on how to manage its Nation, its Policies & its citizens....help is available!!!
Another "Bankrupt the Nation" contract???
You be the judge.
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