Poster di atas dijumpai di dalam Forum MyKMU di sini. Walaupun ianya menyerupai sekim warna dan motif rekabentuk PKR, bunyi nama Majlis agak janggal. Kesahihan jemputan ini masih belum dipastikan.
Jurublog ini berpendapat bahawa Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim sepatutnya melakukan mubahalah untuk meyakinkan dan mententeramkan masyarakat dan membolehkan perjalanan mahkamah berjalan tanpa kesangsian dan sangka buruk terhadap pelbagai pihak.
Namun begitu, Anwar telah berkali-kali menyatakan keengganan untuk bermubahalah dengan menggunakan pelbagai alasan-alasan. Dari pelbagai perbezaan pendapat ulama, Anwar menggunakan pendapat yang tidak mempersetujui mubahalah sebagai justifikasinya.
Rata-rata pendapat ramai menjangkakan kedudukan Anwar di PRK Permatang Pauh sangat selesa dan dia telah pasti akan menjejak kaki di Parlimen. Namun ada maklumat yang mengatakan sudah ada perubahan di bawah.
Anwar menuduh Saiful mempnyai motif politik dalam melakukan mubahalah. Jika Anwar terpaksa melakukan mubahalah, apa pula yang boleh dibuat alasan?
Dalam buku Sumpah dan Airmata Reformis Bangsa tulisan Mohd Sayuti Omar (1998), Anwar telah melafazkan di Batu Pahat, Johor pada 19 September 1998 seperti berikut:
"Bahawa Dengan nama Allah saya bersumpah saya tidak melakukan perbuatan terkutuk itu. Dan ini semua adalah fitnah dan tohmahan jahat untuk terus menghina dan mengaibkan seisi keluarga saya"Pengalaman saya mengatakan Anwar enggan bermubahalah. Jika dibandingkan dengan video berikut, sumpahan yang dilaporkan pun agak berlainan dari video rakaman berikut yang dikatakan adalah video sumpahan Anwar.
Kalau mengikut apa yang disebut-sebut oleh pelbagai ulama, PAS dan rasmi kerajaan, ianya pun tidak mengikut kaedah yang disebut-sebut.
Namun begitu, bukan tujuan disini untuk mempertikaikan peristiwa lepas ini. Perkara yang ingin dikatakan adalah pendirian Anwar menentang perbuatan bersumpah ini tidaklah seperti pendirian beliau sekarang.
Beliau pun ada menyebut mubahalah yang beliau lakukan dahulu tidak pun dipercayai dan beliau masih juga dibawa ke mahkamah dan akhirnya dipenjarakan.
Mubahalah adalah sumpahan antara manusia dnegan tuhan dan tidak seharusnya menghentikan tanggungjawab memastikan proses keadilan sesama manusia di dunia itu berjalan lancar. Yang penting, Anwar boleh dan telah lakukan mubahalah.
Adakah dia akan lakukan jika timbul keperluan?
Mengikut sumber-sumber tertentu, sokongan bukan Melayu untuk Anwar masih belum terjamin. Walaupun Anwar telah berkempen dengan begitu aggresif di Seberang Jaya, satu kawasan yang ramai penduduk bukan Melayu, dia berhadapan dengan pencabarnya, Arif Shah yang merupakan ADUN Seberang Jaya yang amat disukai ramai.
Ada yang telah meletakan peratusan undi bukan Melayu yang sebanyak 30% jumlah pengundi dianggar di tahap 30%. Peratusan undi orang Melayu sudah menurun ke tahap 50:50.
Walaupun BN tidak menggunakan isu liwat sebagai bahan kempen, keengganan Anwar untuk mubahalah telah menjejaskan imejnya kepada pengundi-pengundi Melayu, khususnya orang-orang PAS.
Mubahalah boleh dijadikan satu senjata tetapi bolehkah?
Jika Anwar perlu lakukan mubahalah, ia perlu dilakukan pada hari Jumaat hari ini. Pada hari minggu, jentera BN dijangka akan bertambah aggresif membesar-besarkan kelemahann-kelemahannya. Pada hari-hari hampir kepada hari pengundian, pelbagai kejutan selalunya akan berlaku.
Dengan BN bertubi-tubi mengatakan Anwar sering bercanggah dalam kata-katanya dan kuat memutar belit fakta, untuknya melakukan mubahalah sekarang akan menguatkan kritikan tersebut.
Adakah Anwar ada alasan yang menyakinkan?
I think "Sumpah Melaknak Anwar" bermakna Sumpah untuk melaknat Anwar.
If my Bahasa Melayu is correct. Corect?
Fatwa taken from Islam Online:
Are Raped Women Asked to Bring Four Witnesses?
Dear scholars, As-Salamu `alaykum. When it says to bring four witnesses against a woman who has committed indecency, is it for the woman who has been raped or this is for a married woman whose husband is in doubt about her indecency? Please explain in detail.
Name of Mufti
Ahmad Kutty
Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.
Dear brother in Islam, thanks a lot for your question which reflects your care to have a clear view of the teachings of Islam. Allah commands Muslims to refer to people of knowledge to get themselves well-acquainted with the teachings of Islam as well as all aspects of life.
In Islam, we are not allowed to tarnish the honor of anyone. One is required to produce four witnesses when making an allegation of adultery against another person; otherwise, one will be guilty of slandering.
A raped woman is a victim that must be treated with honor and kindness. She is not required to produce four witnesses to prove the crime done against her, nor is she punished for the crime done against her.
In his response to your question, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states:
If a person makes an allegation of adultery against another person (male or female) he or she must produce four witnesses to support such an allegation; otherwise, he or she is guilty of slandering, which is a grave offense in Islam, for we are not to tarnish the honor of anyone.
A woman who has been raped cannot be asked to produce witnesses; her claim shall be accepted unless there are tangible grounds to prove otherwise. To insist that she provide witnesses is akin to inflicting further pain on her. If anyone refutes her claim of innocence, the onus is on him to provide evidence, and she may simply deny the claim by making a solemn oath, thus clearing herself in public. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “The onus to provide evidence falls on the one who makes a claim, and the one who denies (the same) can absolve himself or herself by making a solemn oath to the contrary.”
As for a spouse who witnesses his or her partner committing adultery and the other party denies it and they are unable to provide witnesses, they are, if they so desire, to part company by repudiating each other by engaging in what is known as a solemn oath and prayer of curse (li`an). It is described thus in the Qur’an: “And those who accuse their wives, and have no witnesses but themselves, then the testimony of each of them shall be a testimony sworn by God repeated four times, that he is indeed truthful. And the fifth (oath) is that God’s curse be upon him if he is lying. And it shall avert punishment from her that she testify a testimony repeated and sworn by God four times, that he is lying. And a fifth (oath) that the wrath of God be upon her, if he has spoken the truth” (An-Nur: 6-9).
Excerpted, with slight modifications, from: www.muslims.ca
Allah Almighty knows best.
Replace the "raped woman" with "Saiful" and you get the picture that he is not required to produce 4 witnesses as he is the victim to this whole ordeal. I hope there won't be anymore confusion over this matter.
May the truth prevail. Amin.
wahhh if siafol no swear, how he gonna prove he was disondol belakang harr? how else he can tunjuk he kena the stab in the back, oh sorry lower back arrr? may be he use his hand capture on video how the act happened leh. why not, give more lurid details mah...give kau kau wan...swear nothing lah...my small nephews can oso do it wan. but use the kids holy book lah...the bugs bunny book wan. ehh..how he no tell people why his eyebrows look so funni wan...look like from the ming or ching dynasty wan, all going up wan harr? walao eh, i think he should write a book published in chow kit there how the cucuk act took place...how he bongkok or howw lah...just tell lah. i wanna know lah...
You mean you want him to re-enact the very act of how he was robbed of his decency from behind arrr? on video you mean, to demonstrate? maybe he should.
Bagi yang ingin meneroka persoalan hukum Mubahalah, satu perbincangan yang manarik di satu thread di Forum MyKMU
ANWAR is scared of giving oaths, because he knew if he lies, he would receive a heavy penalty for it. Don't you see that? Do you think Saiful would be so brave to give swear meh? Aiyo please think lor..
Hear this:
Ya, itu kebenaran udah menjelma, pada akhirnya. the truth is finally out....hahaha....!
so you are just another....what in the wall again? another doinky you mean.
Dahlah tak kena main, kata kena...apesal you syok kat dia ker...tapi dia tak hue or buat selambak kat you. Cinta unilateral orang kate ...syok sendirilah nie.
lepas dah..
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