Dato Rashdan "Danny" Yusof's nanny story as told here did not end with his invocation of the name of Allah and quotation of Quran.
One part of the incident that needed highlighting was that babies are not allowed in first class. The baby cried and disturbed the passengers. One PAYING passenger complained but Danny totally ignored him. That is a behaviour unbecoming of top management of MAS.
Till to date, Danny is not reprimanded but rewarded to take charge of aircraft financing. Oh gawd! It took years for the former Encik Shahril to be well versed in aircraft financing. This short resume kid could just takeover like that?
Something must be done! Something massive must be done!

Really ... the Company needs support and sales from the public but arrogant Danny has no remorse to ignore the public in that incident.
If this is the case, employing consulting firm, Plane Consult to boost sales will not help. There is more on Plane Consult but read further of the incident on Wee Choo Keong's blog here and here.
Despite Danny's abuse of God's name to cover his guilt, MAS did not issue a press release of public denial. It only goes to show the Company did not believe Danny's denial. They are not sufficiently confident that Danny is telling the truth.
True enough, Wee dare Danny make his denial public because he threaten to reveal the Voyage Report. In due time, it will come out eventually. It is not only Wee that have a copy. The unions have seen it too and are demanding action from the Chairman.
In the meanwhile, Chairman and CEO is dragging their feet on this. Not only that, it is heard that Danny is further rewarded with more responsibility to take charge of aircraft financing.
If the Chairman and CEO is ignoring this blatant disregard for rules and regulations by a member of the top management, this is a form of suppression of the powerful against the weak.
A common staff would have been summoned to an enquiry, subjected to disciplinary action, and at times lose their job. However, a top management parachuted from outside could break rules without any sense of guilt and remorse and further rewarded.
There is no spinning of rules and regulation on baby in first class. It is a safety issue. Read the circular dated February 2010 circular:
CIRCULAR FROM SENIOR GENERAL MANAGER GROUP HUMAN RESOURCEThis is not an archaic law that Anwar Ibrahim wants to repeal but exist for a reason. There are rooms for flexibility but there are procedures to be respected and adhered to.
TO : All MAS Pilots
All Senior General Managers
All General Managers
All Assistant General Managers
All Managers
All Station Managers
REF : SGMHR 007/10
Date : 08 Feb 2010
We wish to reiterate that no infant will be allowed to travel on First Class (FY) in all our B747-400 series aircraft.
This restriction has been imposed due to the fact that all our B747-400 series aircraft First Class cabin are not equipped with bassinet seat/facility. All our ground employees as well as ground handling agents world wide have been informed to adhere to the Ground Operations Manual – Passenger & Baggage, Chapter 19 (Handling of Infants) Page 19-2 Clause 3.6 & 3.10 which states ‘No seat sale for infant in FRCL cabin for new B747 aircraft type, therefore there is no bassinet seat and passenger are not permitted to bring and use IRD or car type seat in new B747 FRCL seat” & ‘ The new design B747-400 (Passenger) retrofitted aircraft do not accept any infants on FRCL as no facility (bassinet seat) is provided. We are also no longer offering bassinet placed on the floor”.
Kindly note that all applications for Annual Privilege Travel will automatically be made on Business Class for infant and one (1) accompanying adult.
We have been informed that many are not aware of this restriction and as a result there were a lot of inconveniences caused to both staff and our check-in personnel. We seek your co-operation in this matter.
c.c. Senior General Manager Airport Operations
AGM Distributions

Doesn't that make MAS rules and regulations irrelevant if the Deputy Managing Director himself refused to humble himself and set an example to respect and follow rules and regulations? Yet, he would expect the rakyat or manager and staff adhere to his directives.
He could say joining MAS Sdn Bhd is joining me and joining us? Oh ... how elite is his mindset? Even the Prime Minister does not behave such.
The union have raised this matter as far back as in early February. It means the late March sumpah story is old. Below is MESA’s e-mail to Md Nor, copied to AJ for actions:
From: Matdiah Mohammad
Date: 4/2/2012 7:48:43 AM
To: Md Nor Yusof
Cc: Nor Hayati Idris; Mohamed Yusof Ahmad Muhaiyuddin; Ismaizam Ismail; Norlina Abdullah @ Renata Liporado; Alias Aziz; Mohamad Alizam Kusrin; Philip Lee Beng Chuan; Abdul Rahman Hassan; Lee Min Ken; Haswandy Morshidi; Awang Musa Awang Kassim; MASEU – Graded Union; Ahmad Jauhari Yahya; ahmadz@mapa.org.my; Hizamuddin Zainal Abidin; Ab Halim Said; Chai Chee Kong; Chandran Sekhran; Amir Ihsan Abdul Latif; Hussin Shamsudin; Izwan Ismail; Jamaludin Sanusi; Kamarul Zaman Saisi; Najmi Rahimi Muzni; Tengku Fachruddin Tengku Suleiman
Subject: DCEO MH122 SYD-KUL Controversy
Salaam Tan Sri copy AJ, MESA Council and rest,
I wish to reiterate that as much as we would like to believe otherwise, the evidence is overwhelming to indicate that the DCEO was not telling the full truth about what actually transpired during the his flight MH122 SYD-KUL 01Jan12.
As intimated to you previously, I was personally shown a photocopy of the original hand-written Cabin Crew Voyage Report (VR) which indicates that the DCEO’s baby and maid did remained in the First Class Cabin of the B747-400 aircraft for the rest of the flight duration. I am convinced that at the point when I was shown the said VR, there were at least fifty others who may have already seen the same report. I was made to understand that till to date many more staff have seen the widely circulated document.
I understand that the initial circulation of such sensitive information was purely operation-driven, however it was leaked due a manifestation of utter disbelief and frustration among staff who saw the matter was an outright abuse and the perseption of inequality in treatment for gross disrespect of published in-house rules among the elite. As such, I sincerely hope that no attempt is made to vilify or attribute blame to any particular staff that just happens to be doing their job or were privy of the normal distribution trail.
The fact that Danny had chosen to override your imposed restraint during the Q&A session, and that he had voluntarily invoked the Almighty in his quest to convince the audience of his ‘innocence’, did not make the matter any easier or palatable as it served to further erode any remaining vestige of integrity in the eyes of staff and the general public.
Under the circumstances, I believe that his best recourse is to leave MAS immediately as his continued presence is untenable and would further impede organizational recovery.
I pray that you act accordingly.
Matdiah Bin Mohammad
Secretary, MESA

Imagine this.
The Prime Minister of Malaysia can openly tell the Malaysian people that the Government does not have all the answer. It is time to listen to the heartbeat of the people. It is a statement to express the need to be sensitive and humble in one's attitude and during the course of carrying out one's work.
The Prime Minister can say sorry for past mistakes of his party in which he was not the leader then. It takes a lot of courage and also humility.
The Prime Minister is willing to be criticised. The opposition, media and public do criticise and highlight his mistakes and the wrong decisions made by his trusted underlings.
Although he has yet to respond on his promise to give the union his decision, the Prime Minister is willing to change his decisions and response to the public and people on many matters of public interest.
The only difference between opposition vis-a-vis the media and public is that the opposition still criticise him when he correct the wrong by calling him flip flop and such.
That is the leader of the nation talking. Unfortunately that example is ignored by MAS management.
They chose to be tyrant that do not dispense justice of their subject. And they act like dictator, who chose ignore the voice and plight of the common people, to act for their ego and self interest in acquiring more wealth and power.
Is that an exaggeration and being melodramatic?
Then what is the basis of giving more responsibility to Danny to take charge of aircraft financing in Ahmad Jauhari's third new structure for MAS in 8 months. The picture below should give an answer:
To highlight further that the management team has no idea what to do, there is but again another change in business plan or model, which ever the sophisticated aura one wish to project.
A little bird told us that MAS dropped the short haul carrier plan. This is at least the 7th business plan of MAS, or it is more accurate to say, MAS has no business plan. Does that mean Danny is no more CEO of Short Haul?
Without any plan, it is really bewildering to understand what Air Asia-X Chairman, Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz meant by not enough explanation to the staff.

So far heard, the MAS management can't explain it convincingly to the staff and managers. They are more experienced and well versed than the novice management team that need "nanny" in the form of Plane Consult and infusion of Air Asia staff into MAS.
Is Rafidah beginning to lose her touch?
All this only shows that there is a suppression of the rakyat in the "1Malaysia: Rakyat Didahulukan" airline. The common rakyat in MAS will be reprimanded but they close one eye on their pier.
With an Orwellian MAS management that have a Department to eavesdrop on ones conversation and detection of in- and outcoming emails, it is time for civil uprising.
Wee called upon MAS staff and union to be more vocal. That's fine and dandy. However, the staff and public can also make an impact and get change in a civil way, not like some PKR hooligans and PAS blind jihadists.
Let's us all of us send e-mails, post comments on their facebook and twitter to them in a big way, with and without fear, to:
Prime Minister:
YAB Dato Najib Tun Abdul Razak
Deputy Prime Minister:
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin
tpm@pmo.gov.my or muhyiddin@moe.gov.my
Members of the Board of Khazanah
Dato Najib Tun Abdul Razak
(see above)
Dato Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah
Minister of Finance II,
Tan Sri Nor Mohamad Yakcop
Minister in PM Department,
Tan Sri Mohd Nor bin Yusof
Chairman of MAS
Raja Tan Sri Dato' Seri Arshad Bin Raja Tun Uda
Datuk Azman Yahya (Symphony)
Dato' Mohammed Azlan bin Hashim
Tan Sri Andrew Sheng
Tan Sri Dato' Azman bin Hj. Mokhtar
Khazanah Nasional e-Mail: info@khazanah.com.my
Members of the Board of Directors of MAS:
Tan Sri Mohd Nor bin Yusof (see above)
Dato Ahmad Jauhari aj.yahya@malaysiaairlines.com
Datuk Azman Yahya (Symphony)
Tan Sri Dr. Wan Abdul Aziz bin Wan Abdullah
Tan Sri Krishnan Tan (IJM)
Datuk Rohana Rozhan (Astro)
David Lau Nai Pek
Tan Sri Tony Fernandes
Datuk Kamarudin Meranun
Tan Sri Wan Azmi Wan Hamzah. rei@rohaseuco.com
Malaysian Airlines Berhad:
* The missing e-mails, facebook url and twitter handle will be added later.
If one fear and worried of one's job or position, one can still do it from outside the office so that the assigned MAS officer to play "big brother", Sharifah Izora could not detect.
Do not use office e-mail but personal e-mails. Send the e-mail or Facebook message from a cyber centre or cafe like that Yahudi cafe, Starbuck or DAP kopitiam, Ipoh White Coffee cafe.
For any other devices, only Blackberry protects your confidentiality. With an anonymous handle, twittering from a Blackberry is safe.
Be selective in one's revelation of nonsense in the company. Some company secrets are better kept from competitors.
Well done ...you and YB Wee have been consistent in building up the pressure and of course few others. Either this guy is hiding behind someone or someone is telling him..." don't worry, you are safe with us", that's why he's arrogant enough to swear. He shall not use God's name in vain. This has gone on too long for comfort
Assalammualaikum wbt Dear ABITW,
1.In all the issues that are confronting the Najib Administration,be it SBPA's fiasco,FELDA,PEMANDU,the composition of the existing cabinet,Cowgate and MAS we have to ask what is the common problem.
2.To me Mr.ABITW,the problem is the PM himself.He has the power to solve all the issues,why don't he ? Don't blame his advisers,blame him.He procrastinate,flip flop,indecisive and visionless.What he has is only PR - for show only.I feel one day history will call the Najib's Administration as NATO- No Action Talk Only.
3.Does UMNO/BN have another TDM ? I'm afraid not....
A Friend of Penarik Beca
u can use 10 minute mail www.10minutemail.com
the email will dissolve in 10 minutes
and u also can hide ur ip address at hidemyass.com
good luck
grow up, danny boy.
I agree with A Friend Of Penarik Beca.Its our PM's action or no action that is creating this perception that nothing is being done to resolve these vexing issues.In my own eyes I see our PM as trying very hard to please everybody.No Sir, you cant do that.It is simply not possible.You cant be pandering to their whims and fancies at the expense of the very people that matters to you.I wish the PM reads this: "Stand up and be a man, Sir!"
The upgrading of the maid and baby was also in breach of the following circular from the customer services division:
GEN-003-R01 dated 03-SEPT 2002.
clearly stated on pg2 is: “On no account shall EY pax be Double upgraded into FRCL”
PM planned the ccf to save CIMB and AA. (same ppl behind cimb and AA).
if AA go down then cimb also go down. (cimb manages the financing for AA, and AA is losing money and cannot pay for the 200 aircraft)
it is only a matter of time before AA and then cimb collapse.
now he and top management is keeping quite- very quite
we have to show our protest by our “votes” and our “life savings”!!!
to safeguard our life savings, we should all stop using the services of cimb and tell that to all our friends and relatives and to pass on the message to others.
The upgrading of the maid and baby was also in breach of the following circular from the customer services division:
GEN-003-R01 dated 03-SEPT 2002.
clearly stated on pg2 is: “On no account shall EY pax be Double upgraded into FRCL”
PM planned the ccf to save CIMB and AA. (same ppl behind cimb and AA).
if AA go down then cimb also go down. (cimb manages the financing for AA, and AA is losing money and cannot pay for the 200 aircraft)
it is only a matter of time before AA and then cimb collapse.
now he and top management is keeping quite- very quite
we have to show our protest by our “votes” and our “life savings”!!!
to safeguard our life savings, we should all stop using the services of cimb and tell that to all our friends and relatives and to pass on the message to others.
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